It's true. I landed Canada in 08 recession. It took me three months to find a job. But for those three months,I'd never been so weakest AND strongest in my life before!! Good to know myself much better than before! It's a wonderful experience.
I used to ask a friend why you're so happy all the time, never worry about job stuff! She said her courage comes from her family and friends' support. They're her strongest backup! I memorized it!
谢谢你的分享. 看了毛骨耸然. 我生性愚钝觉得这样的职场生涯真是太辛苦. 感觉是不是公司文化的也有问题呢? 请了不该请的人. 给了不该给的工资? 或者上层喜欢看人斗并享受其中. 你的IT同事令CEO眼光冰冷就被走人. 这样人制的公司是否还有必要继续干下去.很多时候工作环境远远要比薪水更重要. 要看清环境, 衡量自己. 虽然不能意气用事, 高估自己, 不适合自己的环境, 就要早做准备. 甚至在选择新工作面试的时候心里就要有底,就要有选择. 没有必要做无畏的精力时间浪费. 更没有必要勾心斗角死守一方. 看了你的文章更能体会面试中的这句话: " Money is a very important but it 's never on the top of my priory list when I am looking for a new job position" What is more important : people.