Triton likes to pick the fight. I agree with some of your points, but always disagree with your conclusion. But your attitude and manner ruin your points. You are a bully of this forum.
Well said. Very calm, and convincing.
Your guys know nothing about China. You do not read books, do not know history. GCD is right. To gun down the unrest is an absolute right thing for a goverment.
You do not read english newspaper. Western politics is as dark as Chinese(I do not understand why i abandon China and move to here. I reget my decision). Your guys just shut up your mouth. Bunch of losers.
China is the future of this world. You book worms, GCP handle your guys who always attack GCP to please your western masters like handle ants. Now i understand my misson to move to Canada--to kick you ass kissers' asses.
I love Triton. He is cute. Try to learn something from him,