枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 向理财专家请教:mutual fund 是什么时候才收费?是买的时候还是卖的时候?收费标准是怎样定的?
Google mutual fund 101. There are many types, it could be 买的时候or 卖的时候 or no load. 收费标准 could be varied as well.
一般你在你的BROKER 所提供的 mutual funds list 上的, 交易没有费用(其实是因为mutual fund 的收益率已经是剔除了管理费用的原因, 羊毛还是在羊身上), 但是通常会有一个holding period 的要求, 提前卖出是有罚金的.
-doji(Iron Chef Mr. White);
haha, I still have some RMB in China. no tax, high interest. exchange rate rising. it is a good investment, i know lots of people do that. but this not for guys have a big money to move around. CAD 50000 cap./year on money that moved out china.
前几天提出一笔互惠基金,收费98元。非常恼火,打电话质问TD 银行。接线生立即说,不应该收费啊,我给你转到那个基金经理那。那个经理解释说是Early Redemption Fee. That's OK. I will waive that. 小兔崽子跟我玩猫腻。还我钱咱们二话没有。1。我当时是去支行预约办理的。在办理当时他只字未提收费的事,签字走人。后来账面上少了98元。
For MER, the fee is usually deducted every business day from the fund unit price. Say at the end of a business day, the unit price is $100.01, they deduct $0.01, then the final unit price of that day is $100.