Sorry, it's While I was typing for the previous email, I was talking to our compliance department so I got this typo.
平心而论,基本上也就省个500到600. 坏处是有问题退货时很麻烦。但应该这么想,500/2700=18%。也就是说买一个电视给你打8折。你当然也要承担(相对应这个折扣)的风险。这些的确要列出来,让网友自己来决定是否值得。一句话:事情没有绝对的。不至于这么倒霉吧,网上买回来就出问题。另外,我买了180 us$ 的厂家三年上门保修。ABE's of marine 的销售告诉我,这个是包括加拿大的。这种网上生意的公司,信誉简直是命根子。大家给它的综合评分是7,8 out of 10. 所以觉得值得一试的。
good ! thanks for sharing !
Great. I'd do the same if I need to buy a TV. Just curious: if the deliver is by UPS, FEDEX, etc, no other shipping addr needed; just deliver to a UPS Buffalo store and tell them "hold for pick up", "free".
Do you know whether you can get the GST refund to offset the sales tax paid in US?
Just a heads up to whoever plan to buy Panny TV from US, based on the ppl in custom, its box said assembly in Mexico, so doesn't qualify to waive duty. My sony said made in mexico so luckly they waive it for me.
Mexico = North American = Duty Free!!!
did you get your panny imported without duty? the key word is assembled vs made. mexico is not enough based on the ppl in custom
Thanks a lot! Very valuable info. Another Q: when you across the border to be back, how much percent do you pay on duty, gst,pst?
-xiaosongshu(Little Squirrel);