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枫下拾英 / 摄影艺术 / Planning to buy a dSLR, mainly for landscape(personal hobby) and baby(family function). Currently locked at C-50D and N-D300, no legacy lens to carry over but do care the wide angle lens. Which one to buy?
-bearhawk(Why me);
Price wise, I will buy it from US. I know it's a tedious question, but I do need your opinion
-bearhawk(Why me);
据说拍风景最好考虑全幅。Canon 5D 已经很便宜了。不过狠多人都在等 5D mark II,等得花儿都谢乐~~~
Yes, since there is no x1.5 or x1.6. 5D is a good option, but it's been 3 years old. 5DII is an overkill to my skill. Thanks for your suggestion
-bearhawk(Why me);
go for nikon, nikon does good job on wide angle lenses, you have a lot of options on wide angle with Nikon. D300 could be a good start.
Thank you, had to look after the baby and didn't post back soon enough
-bearhawk(Why me);