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枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 后院没有任何遮挡,阳光强烈,空气干燥,水分蒸发很快,地面干裂。同样的花草(如芍药),种在前院的长得茂盛,种在后院的就蔫巴巴。请问:后院如何改造?种什么花草合适呢?
-sophiacc(Learn by Asking);
-didina(Year of Boar);
Good idea. I use compost to mulch the flower bed.
Plant a big shade tree.I have the same sunny yard and I'm planning to get a tree next spring. Now I have Shasta daisy, columbine, delphinium, roses, even hostas, they seem to survive well. I had to move my mock orange to the west side of the yard to receive morning sun and shade a bit by the fence in the afternoon. It's leaves were turning very lime green.