I have a very severe back pains, I think I might need to try clinic massage. Could you kindly PM me the one you've been in with those 4 RMT. Thanks,
Can you tell me the clinic you feel very relaxed?
Could you share with me, please?
我找到网站了,注册了还有要请教:DENTAL上面说DEDUCTIBLE $25 PER PERSON PER YEAR,是指我只能用大约$30吗,COVERAGE 80%,一年报销$25,其他都不管啦,不会吧,我这个计划这么差吗
Do you give Massage Therapist tips? If yes how much?
-juliey(like trip);
It seems nobody knows the real answer. I checked on internet, some massage therapists think it is offesive if you tip them because they provide professional services. Others might think it is ok to accept tips.
自己查了小册字, 有一段话不明白, 大家帮帮我看看把, 谢谢.Expenses for some of these professional services may be payable in part by provincial plans. in those provinces, expenses under this Benefit program are payable only after the Provincial plan's maximum for the benefit year has been paid. Recommendation by a physician for professsional services is not required. 谢谢拉