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枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 请问各位,我老公在vancouver入境时收到1个体检通知和IMM0535表,说他有肺结核(inactive tuberculosis),要求在入境后30天内去体检,请问有谁知道这种情况严重吗?如果查出来真的有肺结核会怎样处理? 还有体检是自费吗?谢谢各位了!
come incall the number on the form, they will ask u to confirm your address. in couple weeks, u r supposed to receive a letter from the local health office. then, take the letter to a family doctor, the doctor will arrange the necessary check-up for you( X-ray and Smear) , the cost is covered by OHIP . don't worry, inactive TB won't have any negative impact.