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枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 想下周去渥太华玩大约4-5天,计划住青年旅社,若有同伴可以一起住在新移民之家。我没有车,原计划做灰狗大巴,也不算太贵。想加入我,请回帖。
如果就去OTTAWA,不去MONTREAL & QUEBEC的话, 还是不要去了,不值啊。
此言甚是!!窃以为,Quebec city还是最值得一去的!!!渥太华要想玩的话,一天足够了!!!如果你想体会政治,多伦多其实比渥太华要浓一些,而且,一两天你是感觉不到什么的。我来了都一年了,也没什么感觉!!
Try tor.rides(?) to see if you can find a ride from Tor to Ott. It may cost less. There are a lot of people traveling beteween Ott and Tor in the weekend. You should be able to find a ride.I don't know any hotel in Ottawa. If you don't have a car, you may want to stay at downtown area. The hotels around there are more expensive than suburb motel.
I think the best way to have a tour in Ottawa is with a car so you can drive around the city. If not, you may just stay in downtown area, enjoy the blue festival. In that case, a day or two will be enough.
Thank you very very much for advicesI am looking for carpool now, then go there not later than next Tuesday, I have some personal things need to handle there, I think just spend 2-3 days there, if smoothly, I would like to go Montreal after Ottawa. then back to Toronto before July 14.