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枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 昨儿临睡前好像看到耳朵一帖子,今儿早就没了。。。不过由其帖子不由得想起了这么一段话 "it is incontestable that the most ancient annals of the world are those of China.” “all antient histories, as one of our wits has observed,are only fables that men have agreed to admit as true. history is only a fable, which people consider as true" _------Voltaire......thanks.
是这个吗?👉 一个以编造故事横空出世的民族,编了一个巨大无比的故事,“编故事”的能力已经完美的镶嵌在生物基因中,通过母系传承一代一代的传下去。编故事造谣生事,分而治之,制造撩拨激化矛盾,多方赚钱,只因为我是神的选民。你是吗?
Yes. thanks