先入为主的政治化太明显了!随便翻翻词典:national - one that owes allegiance to or is under the protection of a nation without regard to the more formal status of citizen or subject。Miss Gu 在答记者问的时候用的词汇是 nationality,也许她已经在入籍中国之后放弃了citizenship of America? 没有仔细研究,但是偶觉得她的团队不会犯这么明显的错误。中国没有这两个概念的区别才更加创造了 room for discretion,钻空子跟违法是完全不同的。
nobody disagreed with you on this fact,however,more information should have been collected before accusing someone violating the law was my point,simply because its a serious matter.