药剂 or 针剂,无非是为了 "Back to normal" 的美好愿望。我个人认为 old normal 已经打破,new normal 已成事实。为什么抑制药剂,鼓吹针剂,我一介 P 民连管中窥豹的管子都碰不到。用假药,希望心理极大满足,同时 herd immunity 用不用药,用什么药,都是实际的堡垒。
你认识的所有医生,论成就有没有一个能望其项背的?Dr. Varon has won many prestigious awards and is considered among one of the top physicians in the United States.
你链接里说的:But because pregnant women were excluded from the initial clinical trials, hard data on their safety and efficacy in this important group has been limited.
你看文章都是断章取义的吗?这个是人家说为什么要开展这个study,说完这句话,接下去人家就说:So,I’m pleased to report results from two new studies showing that the two COVID-19 mRNA vaccines now available in the United States appear to be completely safe for pregnant women.
it is worth mentioning that we are still in a stage of hit-and-trial,” said Dr Navneet Kumar Verma,自己打自己的脸,说的就是你。