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枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 请教:这两天我的身上特别是手臂大腿处,发一大片一块块象蚊子咬的块.有的连成一大片,皮肤发红很痒,过两三个小时会退。医生说可能是过敏或神经性。要观察几天。我担心是风疹。因我在母乳喂养怕传给baby.
no, it's bcs the air in your room is too dry, you need humdifier.
Thank you, I already have a humidifier, I do feel that my skin is dry very much these days. Maybe the humidifier still can not beat the famous Canadian dry air. :-)
don't worry, u r safe. it is called nettle rash, it will disappear in 6 weeks. don't listen to ur family Dr. they always screw their patients. I can tell u the treatment if u want.
dandan.,Thank you for your quick response.So glad that U tell me I am safe. U are right, the family doc usually 捣浆糊. Sometimes I miss the medical system in China that we don't need to wait for a long time to see a specialist. I surely would like to have your treatment. Thanks again.
it is a kind of immure system allergy disease. it occurs to all ages but normally in certain seasons. if u have had it for over a week. u know it takes place only 3-4 hours every time and be gone after .treatment:
1, don't scratch when u feel itchy
2, use oily shower cream and apply lotion after shower. the brand I recommend is "Keri"
3, take vitamin C daily
4, don't cover too heavy when sleeping
5, turn on humidifier if u have one
if it doesn't work after 6 weeks it could be considered to be chronic nettle rash, in the meantime please be patient.
please. i got the same problem
it won't pass around in your family,however the new born baby is fragile so please avoid close contact with ur baby when the rash appear.
Please. Me too
yes, it is "蕈麻疹 " in Chinese, in Traditional Chinese Medicine it is called "风疹", means it comes and goes quickly like wind. the official name in Latin is "urticaria". really confuse, aih?