顶!抄重点:1. avoid carrying your mobile phone on your body (pocket or bra),2 avoid holding any mobile against your body when in use (i.e. against your head), use headset or lour speaker. 3. put your mobile on 'airplane mode' when not in use. 4. avoid using your mobile in cars, trains or elevators(note:火车上怎么不可以了?倒~)5.keep mobile away from you when you are asleep (out of the bedroom) (note:放一米以外应该就可以了吧?早上当闹钟用的放卧室外太不方便了)
2 avoid holding any mobile against your body when in use (i.e. against your head), use headset or lour speaker. 3. put your mobile on 'airplane mode' when not in use.
4. avoid using your mobile in cars, trains or elevators(note:火车上怎么不可以了?倒~)5.keep mobile away from you when you are asleep (out of the bedroom) (note:放一米以外应该就可以了吧?早上当闹钟用的放卧室外太不方便了)
It's about distance. The intensity of radiation is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the equipment.
-sailor(Ocean & Mountain);
同意结论,但手机功率大部分在1W左右。Cell phones have low-power transmitters in them. Many cell phones have two signal strengths: 0.6 watts and 3 watts