中国的钱大多是从美国赚来滴, 为了让美国人民继续购买中国(农民工)制造, 必须借款给美国政府. 这些钱是从中国农民(花农也是农民) 骗来的. "poor Chinese farmers’ savings in effect help finance the debt-fuelled excesses of Western consumers."
还有是中国移民带来滴. 从中国政府到民间都给美国人民和政府送钱. 俺炒美股也换了美元.
remind you, in 2001, lots of people said NT and Lucent will not bankruptcy since they were important too. anything can happen.
Did they bankrupt at that time? NT is still dying
you r "right". Lucent is the history and NT stock 0.1% value comping with peak. both company lost 80~90% employee. Chaper11 maybe better than this.