Hehe,儿子正在那说:“危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰”呢。我心想这不是说我呢嘛。If it is not reaching a point, ”得过且过“是我最好的写照。这不又花钱买了个缓。内疚啊。儿子渐渐大了,我得起到模范表率作用啊。
顶! Thanks for sharing。“感谢老师-Joyce”?你是说我吗? :-)
Ding! Thank you for sharing. Lucy
Could you tell me what are the differences between these two questions?How do you solve conflict? and How do you deal with diffcult person? I have same anwers for these two.
I als came across three questions which I am unable to identify the differences:
how do you priortize, how do you organize, describe your time management skill?
Thank you for sharing!
Bravo! Few correction on the abbreviations.EBAIT should be EBITDA.(earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization)
ARD should be ARO that relates to accretion expenses.(asset retirement obligation, please refer to CICA HB Sec 3110, FASB Stmt 143)
The answer for Q2 (SOX) is a little bit weak, I think. You could give a big picture in one or two sentences before you move to details. (It's only my opinion)
How about start with "While the Sarbanes-Oxley law, or "SOX" for short, reforms the reporting and governance standards for public companies, My previous experience with SOX......."
^_^client is ur first priority;
organize ur work in a good plan;
complete ur work in a timely base
in accordance to ur plan
which is subject to adjustment if any
-honeyhoney(I BELIEVE);
hehe, 2 cents for 纸上谈兵: Conflict is not necessarily bad. You may have conflicts even with very nice ppl during work. As long as conflict is NOT PERSONAL, and constructive, it's good for work.Just deal with it maturely to find out the reason and figure out a constructive solution. Attitude & communication are important.
Another 2 cents: Aggressive is not Dominating or Condescending. Aggressive is not necessarily bad, as long as you are POLITE!
My understanding: Conflict needs to be link to Issues, while difficult person more focus on how to deal with people.
2 cents: same case can be used for different behaviour questions (say 2) & 3). However, 1)Organization related to leadship, 2) Time management skill need to be talk some in theory. 3) Prioritize asks for detail example
我觉得这两个问题没有特别大的不同。一个对人,一个对事。个人意见:回答的重点是反映出来,你是好的teamplayer 并且-你的judge based on accounting practice and company policy. If it doesn't work, report to your manager. My understanding is conflict is not discussion and arguement. You are able to solve the issue during discussion and argument stage since you are good teamplayer