This is not new. Aristotle had similar theory. But all these "theories' are actually Hypothesis, which have not been proved, and easily fall into 神秘学 area.
educate yourself pls. There are substantial differences between 西医 and 中医 . 西医理论以解剖学为基础,中医理论以辩证法为核心。西医 belongs to science which can be proved and predictable, but 中医 is a 艺术 which can''t even prove itselfI really hope 中医 can develop itself, but that need a lot of open-minded 中医 persons, who can either update the 中医 theories to something that can be proved, or develop a totally new system of 中医 theories.
理论的神化,与现代科学的脱节,使得中医对很多人变成了迷信,大量宝贵的前人经验和中药疗效被忽视和缺乏研究。如果中医继续抱残守缺固守那套理论,而不做出科学化的研究和改变完善,那很难和西医竞争的。reproducible and provable,指的不仅是中药本身,而是中医这整个一套理论系统。The problem with 中医理论, at the same time, 也影响到其药的有效性和可传播性。