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枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 不变的意大利。这是在杂志上看到的一篇英国女生写的短文中的一段。短短几行字,竟然用了六个same!按照社会学的算法,二十年算是整整一代人。按照天朝的说法,意大利人又浪费了整整一代好时光。But for the rest, two decades on, the island remains the same. The same shop or cafe owner welcomes me on each return, now helped by his rather taller daughter and son, and he will always ask after my mother and her friend. The same smells of salty sea and fresh, oven-cooked pizza fill the air as I wander the port’s many idyllic shops. The same restaurants serve the same dishes, and the same boat takes me to the various beaches the island has to offer.
意大利男子30好几啃老,40好几赖家不走算他们代代相传的民族性啦。美食质量,文物维护确实可圈可点,不过人的敬业水准,包容谦和度是一年不如一年的。妈妈30年前在米兰停步休息一下下,警察就主动停车问她要不要帮忙;我2019在米兰大教堂广场被好几个强迫我买料喂鸽子拍照的贩子围堵, 警察边儿上好像没看见。😁 幸好老公身手不错才帮我解了围。