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Assuming the defendant plans to enter a plea of not guilty, which almost every defendant does at this early stage, the court will then:

set a date for the next procedural event in the case
consider any bail requests the defendant or the prosecutor makes (usually if the defendant is at liberty -- not in jail -- at the arraignment, the defendant will continue at liberty without a change in bail status)
appoint a lawyer for the defendant upon the defendant's request and a showing of eligibility, and
ask the defendant (or the defendant's lawyer) to "waive time" (that is, give up the defendant's right to have the trial or other statutory proceedings occur within specified periods of time).

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 查了一篇英文文章,讲刑事案子被告需不需要律师代理的问题,供有需要的人参考:Does Self-Representation in a Criminal Case Ever Make Sense?
    • 文章中分析当事人不用律师的原因之一:Self-represented defendants are not bound by lawyers' ethical codes.
      • This means that a defendant who represents himself can delay proceedings and sometimes wreak havoc on an already overloaded system by repeatedly filing motions. However, this approach is not recommended because it often backfires.
    • 管它是否make sense, 打赢了就是make sense:) +4
      • 光有激情是有很大风险的,还是要有知识,有策略的。
    • 决定用不用律师最关键的是:Find Out the Likely Punishment。还有当事人认为这种后果自己能不能承担的起。
      • LAWS 是非常庞大的系统,COMMON LAWS 都是从 CASE LAWS 上 BUILD 起来的,JUDGE,也叫 FINDER OF THE LAW。头绪多,负责,都不是 P 民能玩得起的。
      • 嗯,还有机会:
        Assuming the defendant plans to enter a plea of not guilty, which almost every defendant does at this early stage, the court will then:

        set a date for the next procedural event in the case
        consider any bail requests the defendant or the prosecutor makes (usually if the defendant is at liberty -- not in jail -- at the arraignment, the defendant will continue at liberty without a change in bail status)
        appoint a lawyer for the defendant upon the defendant's request and a showing of eligibility, and
        ask the defendant (or the defendant's lawyer) to "waive time" (that is, give up the defendant's right to have the trial or other statutory proceedings occur within specified periods of time).
        • 最好的结果当然是 PROSECUTION 不 CHARGE。如果 CHARGE 了,走到正在的 TRIAL 算漫漫长路。所以中间机会还有很多的。但是时间越长,变数越多,UNCERTAINTIES 越多,记忆越淡,花样越多。没经过律师魔鬼 TRAINING 的人要去 FIGHT,难难难。
          • 越想越生气,高调激情爆光讲故事一点都不理智。还不如给网友们讲一下案子发展的进展,有的网友可能有类似这样那样的和法庭,律师打交道的经历供参考,还有好奇中年妇女上网查有关英文文章,还有忠言逆耳人生经历丰富的中年男,等等。。。。
            • 好人,坏人,英雄,狗熊,正义,非义。。。。 Who cares ?
              • 今天义诊?
                • LOL
        • 刑事记录是带着一生的,无论你怎么 SEAL RECORD。