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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Sorry to hear about your dog's issue. Blood from the penis can happen for really one of three reasons:

1. A penis issue- This may be something like penile trauma, a bit of foreign material caught between the penis and the prepuce (the skin that surrounds the penis), pr a prepucial infection. This is the less common cause of blood coming from the penis but is easily investigated by your vet.

2. A urinary issue- If the blood is dripping from the penis while he is urinating then it is likely a urinary issue like a bladder infection or bladder stones. Even if the blood is dripping independent of urination it could still be a possible stone issue and typically the course of action is to have your vet run a urine sample, looking for stones, crystals, bacteria, etc and they should collect this by passing a urinary cathether to ensure it passes easily up through the urethra (the tube through the penis where urine exits) as sometimes little bits f stone and grit get trapped here.

3. Prostate issue. Finally, the most common cause of blood dripping from the penis independently from urination is a prostate problem. There are several types of prostate issues including benign (non-cancerous) prostate hyperplasia (enlargement), prostatitis (inflammation in the prostate) and prostate cancer. In many of these cases blood will drip freely from the penis when the dog is not urinating and is non-painful. In all of these cases neutering the dog is needed to resolve this issue. If your dog is already neutered it can still be a prostate issue but it's very rare. An ultrasound is usually needed to confirm this issue in a neutered dog. In an unneutered dog your vet will want to run the urinalysis and will want to perform a rectal exam to check the prostate.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 宠物乖乖 / 求助:金毛狗狗尿道口滴血
    各位,我家金毛快三岁了,去年这个时候尿道口有点滴血(她六个月时做过绝育手术),当时怀疑是尿道炎,给她吃了2周安便青霉素,个吧星期就好了;没想到今年同样的毛病又犯了,比去年早了两、三周;这回吃了一周的安便西林,没见好转,去看了VET,换了一种针对尿道炎的消炎药,又吃了快十天,依然不见好;VET建议照个X光,看看是不是有结石;我这里有点纠结,我家宝贝除了每天滴几滴血(尿里面看上去没血,血好像是从尿道口滴下来的), 其它情况都还好,精神也还不错,看不出有痛苦、难受的样子,感觉不太像有结石;如果再花两、三百元去拍X片,会不会有点冤枉?不知有没有朋友有这方面的经验,或有什么建议,多谢赐教了!
    • 便血原因数十种,包括泌尿生殖系统肿瘤,很难从观察来判断.我觉得要拍片,否则你总是在猜测.确诊是很关键的一步,这个钱怕是不能省.动物掩盖弱点的天性使狗对疾病的忍受程度远高于人类,等她呈现出痛苦状,通常都晚期了。可在yorkbbs上找家拍片便宜点的,我上次拍了一套2张$130
      • 谢谢回复!看来狗狗的若无其事可能是假象,是得考虑拍片,不然总是不能安心。
      • 请问你找的是哪一家,能否给个名字电话,谢谢!
        • check this link. You can call one by one to ask price. i have X-ray from #15
          • 太感谢了!
    • x片的话是只能确证结石吗?如果能看出其他病因,应该拍吧。如果只能看是不是结石,你问问vet,如果x片拍了,不是结石,还要拍什么?
      • 谢谢criss!这个我还不清楚,得再问问vet.
      • 拍片还可以发现肿瘤, 应该做血检尿检,其实就是排除法,最担心肾脏的问题。
        • 她还不到三岁,半岁时就做了绝育手术,按理说得病的几率应该很小,而且去年这个时候已经有过一次了, 肿瘤的可能性应该不大吧?而且血好像是从尿道口滴下来的,小便几乎没带血,每天就几滴.
          • 验血了吗?验血好象是$38? 比较担心肾功能。总之,确诊后才好对症治疗.
            • 还没有,谢谢;再去咨询一下vet
      • 验尿和超声波检查。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Sorry to hear about your dog's issue. Blood from the penis can happen for really one of three reasons:

        1. A penis issue- This may be something like penile trauma, a bit of foreign material caught between the penis and the prepuce (the skin that surrounds the penis), pr a prepucial infection. This is the less common cause of blood coming from the penis but is easily investigated by your vet.

        2. A urinary issue- If the blood is dripping from the penis while he is urinating then it is likely a urinary issue like a bladder infection or bladder stones. Even if the blood is dripping independent of urination it could still be a possible stone issue and typically the course of action is to have your vet run a urine sample, looking for stones, crystals, bacteria, etc and they should collect this by passing a urinary cathether to ensure it passes easily up through the urethra (the tube through the penis where urine exits) as sometimes little bits f stone and grit get trapped here.

        3. Prostate issue. Finally, the most common cause of blood dripping from the penis independently from urination is a prostate problem. There are several types of prostate issues including benign (non-cancerous) prostate hyperplasia (enlargement), prostatitis (inflammation in the prostate) and prostate cancer. In many of these cases blood will drip freely from the penis when the dog is not urinating and is non-painful. In all of these cases neutering the dog is needed to resolve this issue. If your dog is already neutered it can still be a prostate issue but it's very rare. An ultrasound is usually needed to confirm this issue in a neutered dog. In an unneutered dog your vet will want to run the urinalysis and will want to perform a rectal exam to check the prostate.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 非常感谢!其实vet早就要求验尿,可取尿似乎有点难度,跟着她、她就不尿,非要躲在一边尿;看来得想想办法采样;
          • 医生有办法,不用你自己采样吧
            • 是吗?好像医生是让我自己收集
              • 我家猫有次在VET呆了一整天才采到尿样。去VET路上一紧张全拉光了
    • 我家宝贝Maycee前天开始终于有所好转、没有滴血了;原本想等把医生开的药吃完后再去做相应检查,看来可以暂时缓一下了,谢谢各位的关心!
      • 我怎么觉得还是得尽快找到原因才放心,以免小病演变成大恙