调到640*480,其他选normal or fine, 打开背光开关,效果还可以吧。我用松下,megabyte pixel.已经照了好几千张了。
It is a little helpful, but the resolution is too low. I checked specialist, they said camcorder and camera are using different style CCD.
first one use interlaced CCD which gain smooth video, camera use progressive CCD which gain vivid still photo. if use first one for pic, you will get a lot of color noise, use second one for video, fishy action you will get.
Don't rely on high resolution. I am not professional, but I think the image quality at 640X480 is good enough , also with the satisfied size. If you like, I can link one pic for you to compare.
And how do you know which CCD you use for photo? Is it controlled by resolution?
CCD is component in camera and camcorder, it is hardware. you can't control. I put both pic here, and for sure, you can tell which one is taken by which on.
my friend's digital camera with progressive CCD:
my camcorder: