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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 经过我的考察,推荐一个律师作遗嘱,价钱可能最便宜,$200+tax per person, http://www.jeffreyshek.ca/fees.php 包括遗嘱和两份Power of Attorney.一份是关于财产的处理,另一份是医疗处理.
    • 遗嘱找2个朋友见证签字即刻,不用花钱。
      • 强烈建议找专业人士作,这钱还是不省的好。移民家庭,有小孩,会有很多东西要考虑。
        • Could you give more details? What else need to be considered?
          • 如果你财产很多,又想按照非标准的方式在你的配偶和你的孩子间分配,立个遗嘱有必要,否则,也就一自住房一个妻子和一两个孩子,TKFP,多此一举,个人观点。
            • 有个遗嘱还是方便的,否则要等待法官判,太耗时间不算,急用钱也拿不到。
              • 两个配偶同时死的可能性不高,在有一个配偶在世时,不需要分配财产。等最后一个配偶去世时,财产也就一房而已,在孩子间均分就好,口头遗嘱。如果这些也在兄弟姐妹间开战,就让不肖子孙们去斗吧,没出息如此!
                • 请教,能否立个遗嘱,假设其中一个配偶去世,一部分财产不归剩下的配偶,而是归孩子?
                  • 可以,但是未亡人可以challenge, 而且一定会赢, 律师说的。
                    • 按照安省规定,一个配偶去世,财产在另一个配偶和子女间分配,而不是全部留给另一个配偶。
                      • 谢谢。
          • 比如:
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1, Bonding:

            In an instate estate, a bond is required to make sure that the administrator does a good job, protecting both beneficiary and creditors of the estate.

            The value of the bond is usually twice the value of the estate.

            Posting the bond with the court requires either willing individuals with sufficient net worth to step forward and provide evidence that they have net worth to cover the bond, or the administrator must approach a bonding company to provide security paid for by an annual premium similar to a life insurance policy premium. If the administrator has a good credit rating, the cost of the premium may only be hundreds of dollars, but the difficulty, time and aggravation in applying for and obtaining it is often considerable.

            The costing of the bond will depend on several factors, including the value of the estate and the kinds of assets in it. This bonding requirement in an intestate estate is in contrast with an estate where there is a will. In that situation, unless none of the executors named in the will are from the province where the deceased lived and where the estate is now resident, the posting of a bond to ensure the executor’s proper and ethical administration is not usually required.

            (Potential risk: if assign any relatives as executor, because they are no Canadian residents, a bond is still required. It might be a better choice to set a trust company as co-executor, need to seek help from the lawyer to understand the impact)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 再比如,如果在美国有投资:
            Be aware of U.S. Estate Tax Implications on Death
            Know the assets that expose you to U.S. estate tax
            A Canadian non-resident alien is subject to U.S. estate tax on the total value of his or her U.S. estate that includes the following:
            If your U.S. estate was 20% of your worldwide estate, you would be permitted a U.S. estate tax credit of US$291,160 (20% of US$1,455,800). This would make the first US$1,104,536 of your U.S. estate tax free.
            Enjoy the small estate exemption
            A provision in the Canada-U.S. tax treaty provided relief to Canadian residents with worldwide estates worth less than US$1,200,000. When this is the case the U.S. estate tax will generally apply only to real estate located in the U.S.
          • 再比如:那种财产需要Probate, 那种不需要,怎么有效减少Probate fee.
          • 关于Minor的Guardian:
            In an intestate estate where there are young children, with no will in place there is neither a trustee named to administer the minors’ inheritances, nor any direction about the preferred guardian.

             In the place of a named trustee for the child’s trusts, any funds they are entitled to will be held for them by the Public Trustee or Public Guardian of the province where the deceased lived until they reach the age of majority.

             To act as the guardian, someone will be appointed by the court based on the application put before it by the child’s surviving relatives.

             No matter how emphatically you state who you want to take on that role, the courts always have the final say on the child’s guardian.
        • Will and Estate Planning 还是有很多东西要了解的。不管找不找律师,都应该自己多了解一些。如果财产比较多, 比较复杂的,除了律师,还应该找个Estate Planner。
      • 请问这样做,有法律效应吗?听人说,如果没有遗嘱,父母假设出事了,孩子要很久才能拿到遗产,对吗?
        • 要么找notary公证,要么找2人witness签字,都合法有效。没有遗嘱,财产变遗产,得按法律顺序分配给继承人,继承人一时拿不到钱。
        • It all depends:
          1, 如果你买了人寿保险,受益人是小孩,人寿保险直接赔付,应该一周左右钱能到帐, 但如果孩子是Minor,又没有指定的Trustee, 孩子还是没权利支付这笔钱。但法院指定的人可以用这笔钱付各种费用和开支。
          3,父母过世,没有遗嘱,财产由政府指定的人负责处理,会在最后将所有产生的费用从遗产中扣除,然后由法院指定的人负责帮小孩代管这部分钱, 直到小孩18岁。
          这些如果不事先安排好,孩子可能要在Foster家庭住很久,不能和亲戚、朋友住。还有,财产完全由不相关的外人处理,可能会产生很多额外的费用, 最后留给孩子的就少了。

          所以,我强烈建议大家多学些这方面的知识,立一份可靠的遗嘱。我个人不建议用网上下载的遗嘱填上自己的名字, 作为遗嘱。出了遗嘱,还可以准备一些附件,交代一下自己对孩子生活,上学和财产投资,什么时候给多少给孩子,可以分阶段给。
          • 再请教一个问题,遗嘱必须是英文的,对吗?中文的有效吗?
            • 应该必须是加拿大官方语言的一种。
    • 谢谢,我们也在比较,著名的Fish & Associates居然要1800多块,真不知道有啥区别
    • 还是建议找专业律师作遗嘱,他们考虑得比我们周全,思维方式也不同。
    • 需要律师吗?(见链接)
    • 绝大多数人的遗嘱是没有必要找律师的,无非是一些房产、现金、投资、子女等基本问题。有巨额资产、大型生意、复杂家庭关系的人才需要咨询律师。
      • 正解。
    • 请教医疗处理是指什么?比如可以要求要是得了严重老年痴呆,要求安乐死吗?
      • 你可以去图书馆借几本书看看,比较全面。
        • 谢谢。
          • 这两本书是我看过的。还有网上也有很多信息。
            The 50 biggest estate planning mistakes
            Tax Tips for Canadians for Dummies
            • thanks
    • 再请教,如果去银行给孩子开个账户,里面的钱算遗产吗?还是直接就归孩子?
      • 我的理解,钱是孩子的。 但如果父母过世了,如果孩子是Minor, 即使钱在孩子名下,孩子也没有权利支配,当然,数量少得零花钱应该还是可以用的。
      • 这还用问,孩子的账号自然是孩子的,只是还没成年,由父母代管而已,
        • 我的意思是如果给孩子单独开个账户,如果父母双双过世,或者即使一个过世,是否这个账户里的钱,就不属于上面各位讨论到的,需要由法官裁定,或者未亡人可以challenge的那种?
    • 官方答案,先自行学习一下吧