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最近在考虑换狗粮,偶然看到President's Choice First Nutrition,4 stars,价格合算,好像不错,有人用它吗?我正在用Performatrin puppy Chicken&Brown rice,狗狗吃了大便不错,可是太瘦,7个月,30lb,我已经增加到3 cups每天,看大便好像喂太多了。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛所以我想是不是狗粮太素了。而且这种狗粮也挺贵的,网上有人作比较,它比Orijen贵70%,

“I just checked the Orijen page...
20-35 kg/45-75 lb = (Active)275-375g/2¾-3¾ cups -or-(Not so)200-275 g/1¾-2½ cups
35-50 kg/75-110 lb = (Active)375-500g/3¾-5 cups -or-(Not so)275-400 g/2½-3½ cups

Then I checked the PC and Performatrin...
Orijen = 3950 Calories per kg.... 470 cal/cup = 53,325 cal/bag
Performatrin = 3520 Calories per kg. 350cal/cup = 47,520 cal/bag
PC = 3900 Calories per kg. ... 395 cal/cup = 52,650 cal/bag
Go Natural = 4940 per kg. ... 570 cal/cup = 66,690 cal/bag

They all come in 30 lb. bags or 13.5 kg.
All recommend about 2.75 cups per day, lets say 3.

Orijen 3 cups = 1410 cal/day
Performatrin =1056 cal/day
PC = 1185 cal/day
Go = 1710 cal/day

I was told by several Vets that a pup should be getting about 1200-1400 cal/day. Round it out at 1300.

Orijen = 41 days ($75/bag) = $1.83/day (3cups) = $0.07/cal
Performatrin = 36.5 days ($75/bag) = $2.06/day (3cups) = $0.12/cal
PC = 40.5 days ($45/bag) = $1.11/day (3cups) = $0.06/cal
Go = 51.3 days ($80/bag) = $1.56/day (3cups) = $0.08/cal

So by finally doing the math, by quality and cost... Orijen comes out ahead. There is no doubt that Orijen is a much higher quality food than any other brand (Canada or otherwise) but the Pet Valu brand really gets you in the pocket.”

Origen 对我家狗狗来说太rich了,所以我在想PC,它也有Chicken&Brown rice for puppy。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 宠物乖乖 / 最近在考虑换狗粮,偶然看到President's Choice First Nutrition,4 stars,价格合算,好像不错,有人用它吗?我正在用Performatrin puppy Chicken&Brown rice,狗狗吃了大便不错,可是太瘦,7个月,30lb,我已经增加到3 cups每天,看大便好像喂太多了。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛所以我想是不是狗粮太素了。而且这种狗粮也挺贵的,网上有人作比较,它比Orijen贵70%,

    “I just checked the Orijen page...
    20-35 kg/45-75 lb = (Active)275-375g/2¾-3¾ cups -or-(Not so)200-275 g/1¾-2½ cups
    35-50 kg/75-110 lb = (Active)375-500g/3¾-5 cups -or-(Not so)275-400 g/2½-3½ cups

    Then I checked the PC and Performatrin...
    Orijen = 3950 Calories per kg.... 470 cal/cup = 53,325 cal/bag
    Performatrin = 3520 Calories per kg. 350cal/cup = 47,520 cal/bag
    PC = 3900 Calories per kg. ... 395 cal/cup = 52,650 cal/bag
    Go Natural = 4940 per kg. ... 570 cal/cup = 66,690 cal/bag

    They all come in 30 lb. bags or 13.5 kg.
    All recommend about 2.75 cups per day, lets say 3.

    Orijen 3 cups = 1410 cal/day
    Performatrin =1056 cal/day
    PC = 1185 cal/day
    Go = 1710 cal/day

    I was told by several Vets that a pup should be getting about 1200-1400 cal/day. Round it out at 1300.

    Orijen = 41 days ($75/bag) = $1.83/day (3cups) = $0.07/cal
    Performatrin = 36.5 days ($75/bag) = $2.06/day (3cups) = $0.12/cal
    PC = 40.5 days ($45/bag) = $1.11/day (3cups) = $0.06/cal
    Go = 51.3 days ($80/bag) = $1.56/day (3cups) = $0.08/cal

    So by finally doing the math, by quality and cost... Orijen comes out ahead. There is no doubt that Orijen is a much higher quality food than any other brand (Canada or otherwise) but the Pet Valu brand really gets you in the pocket.”

    Origen 对我家狗狗来说太rich了,所以我在想PC,它也有Chicken&Brown rice for puppy。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Orijen太油,Acana呢?你可以买个"素“点的。里面有很多选择。
      • 看来Acana Chicken & burbank potato 跟我现在买的比较接近。
        • 如果比较容易拉肚子的话,吃鸡的比较好。你想啊,拉肚子的时候,也是鸡肉加白饭,没说牛肉猪肉加白饭。
        • 兽医说你的狗瘦吗?我摸着是觉得有点太瘦了,不过我们摸了不算,兽医说了算:-)
          • 没错。兽医也说他underweight。
            • 兽医有什么建议?如果你到ren's去买的话,我有买70,10 off的coupon。
              • 兽医给的建议:多喂点儿。我在poodle的论坛看了看,好象Fromm都反映不错,我准备试试。
              • 如果你不用你的coupon,我很乐意过来取呀。谢谢。
                • 不用特地过来,我email给你
                • 对了,Fromm,我当时买狗粮的时候,店员说如果我的狗不是很active的话,吃了比较容易变胖,puppy的话,长的也会比较大些。
                  • 那我还是不要买,他已经长的够大的了。他爸爸,妈妈都是到肩膀22',他已经23了。
                    • 你不是要胖吗?我coupon Email给你了。
                      • 谢谢coupon. 要胖,不要長大。这选狗粮可真够伤脑筋的。