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don't know what you are talking about. stop loss is a type of order.

say you bought 100 shares of ibm at 80, you want to sell it if it drops below 70. you can put a 'stop loss' order to sell 100 ibm at 70. there are two possible outcomes when the market touches 70,
1. a *stop market order* will automatically activate a sell order at market (the actual transaction price may not be 70, but the 100 shares is almost guarantteed to be sold).
2. a *stop limit order at 70* will automatically activate a sell order at 70 limit, there is no guaranttee that the 100 shares will be sold. if it is sold, the sell price will be 70 or higher.

*load* is the sales charge when you buy a mutual fund, it is around 5%. it goes to the salesperson (financial planners, bank clerks etc) instead of the fund manager and does not add any value. it may be charge upfront when you buy it (front load) or when you sell it later (called rear load?). try to buy *no load* fund.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 请那位高手指点一下:股票买卖中的"stop price" 和 "stop limit" 是什么东西?怎么操作?是否在股票买进的时候就应该设定好?还有Mutual Fund买卖中的load type 是什么? 叩头先了。
    • stop price: 在这个price点触发交易 stop limit: 能接受的交易价底线.... 劝你别着急入场, 下周的形式可能很诡异
      • don't know what you are talking about. stop loss is a type of order.
        say you bought 100 shares of ibm at 80, you want to sell it if it drops below 70. you can put a 'stop loss' order to sell 100 ibm at 70. there are two possible outcomes when the market touches 70,
        1. a *stop market order* will automatically activate a sell order at market (the actual transaction price may not be 70, but the 100 shares is almost guarantteed to be sold).
        2. a *stop limit order at 70* will automatically activate a sell order at 70 limit, there is no guaranttee that the 100 shares will be sold. if it is sold, the sell price will be 70 or higher.

        *load* is the sales charge when you buy a mutual fund, it is around 5%. it goes to the salesperson (financial planners, bank clerks etc) instead of the fund manager and does not add any value. it may be charge upfront when you buy it (front load) or when you sell it later (called rear load?). try to buy *no load* fund.
        • 说的不是一回事吗? 没看懂我的中文 :-)
          • sorry lah - i mean your latter part about the market. 1. there are always risks. 2. the guy didn;t mention wehther he wanted to go long or short.
    • There are two kinds of MF, load and no-load. No-load MF means when you redeem your MF, you don't have to pay redemption fee and maybe commission fee. I only know that much. :-)
    • No load就是不用手续费啦。解释一下有load的。
      Front load: 购买时付的手续费。根据投资金额计算。
      比如fund的NAPV价格是3.00/unit, front load 5%。
      那么实际每unit的购买价格是3/(1-0.95)=3.158。 其中0.158是load。

      Back load: redeem时才付的手续费,一般根据持有的年数递减,根据NAPV计算。
      2 , 4.5%