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Fishing Fall River Walleyes(ZHUAN). 抛弃CATFISH,向高级鱼进攻吧

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Fall River Walleyes

By: Mike Bohacz

Every Fall I get a lot of email from fishermen asking about catching river walleyes in the fall an I'm amazed at how many people try to overcomplicate the matter, either by their doing or because of the flood of printed matter on the subject.In reality, fall is one of the easiest times of the year to catch walleyes, especially large ones.

The first step to being sucessful in the fall is to understand what motivates the fish at this time of the year. Fall walleyes have one and only one thing on their mind and that is to store up as much fat for the upcoming winter months as possible. At no other time of the year do walleyes go on a feeding binge like they do in the fall.

Having said this, I'll toss in a little confusion by saying that they won't chase a fast moving lure or bait very far. Why, because using up too much energy to capture a meal doesn't fit into the equation.

Walleyes are looking for an easy meal that presents the greatest opportunity for putting on weight. This having been said, we've just established our lure/bait choice and presentation - "large offerings fished slowly".

Whether we're fishing lures or live bait, the choices are the same. For artificials, go with large, minnow imitating lures. Thundersticks, Rattlin Rogues, Husky Jerks and the like all fall into this category. As for live bait, use the largest minnows available such as 4 to 6 inch shiners or chubs fished on a jig just heavy enough to keep them on or near the bottom.

Having established what the walleyes want and how they want it presented, the next task at hand is to find the fish.

Remember, fall walleyes are trying to fatten up without expending any unnecessary energy. In other words, they don't want to spend a lot of time fighting strong currents but they won't be too far from current lines because river current brings their meal to them. Whether you realize it or not, we've just established location - fall walleyes will be holding near current breaks but close enough to the main flow to dart out and grab an easy meal as it passes by.

There are two types of current breaks, those that are visible on the surface and those that are not so obvious.

Examples of visible current breaks are dams, bridge abutments, fallen trees, points jutting out into the river and bolders rising above the surface. Since these types of structure are visible, they receive the greatest amount of fishing pressure.

The other type of current break are those that lie beneath the surface of the river. These can be either submerged obstacles or the river bottom itself. Submerged obstacles like bolders or sunken trees give their presence away by a slight change in the current pattern just downstream from their location while most river bottom structure is not as easily detected. The most prevelent types of bottom structure are rocks, humps and depressions or deeper holes, all requiring the use of your electronics to locate them. These are my hands-down favorite locations for fall walleyes.

Rocks and bolders are easily detected with your sonar but humps and bottom depressions can be much more subtle. One particular spot that comes to mind is a slight bottom depression that's about 15 or 16 feet deep while the surrounding area is only about a foot shallower. This spot attracts walleyes like a magnet. You can anchor near the shoreline and watch the boats drift by and you'll notice that the vast majority of walleyes are caught within a very small area. If you see fishermen catching walleyes consistently while others in the area go fishless, its time to investigate a little. Try to duplicate the "drift" that the lucky anglers are making while paying close attention to your graph and you'll see that they're not lucky at all - they just know where the structure is!

Now that we know where to find the fish and what they want, the key is to get our offering down to them in an enticing manner. Minnow imitating lures can be presented by anchoring upstream of likely spots and allowing the current to carry the lure to the bottom or by using three-way rigs where current flow is greater. However, the most effective presentation I've found is verticle jigging a jig and minnow combination.

Fall walleyes are not very particular about color or choice of jig head but my two favorites are the Buckshot Rattle Jig and Northland's Fireball jig. Since most rivers have reduced current flow in the fall, carry both 1/4 and 3/8 ounce jigs and you can't go wrong with Hot Pink and Chartreuse Green jigs. Whether a twister tail or other plastic is used is totally up to you but in situations where bulk is needed to slow down the fall, a small grub body or twister tail will suffice.

A verticle presentation is required to maintain good contact with the jig and in cases where the water is too shallow for verticle jigging, a slip bobber can be used to avoid spooking the walleyes.

The simplest method to fish the jig and minnow combination is using the lift/fall presentation. Allow your jig to hit the bottom and take up any slack line until you feel it resting on the bottom. Then raise the rod and lower it slowly, maintaining contact with the jig at all times. Keep your jig within 8 to 10 inches of the bottom and pause after a few lifts of the jig at both the top and bottom of the motion. Many strikes will come on the fall but the fish will also pick it up off the bottom or take it while hovering above the bottom. A little experimentation will tell you what the walleyes want on a particular day.

Give these methods a try and you'll add fish to the livewell and have some tasty filets for the table as well!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / Fishing Fall River Walleyes(ZHUAN). 抛弃CATFISH,向高级鱼进攻吧
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Fall River Walleyes

    By: Mike Bohacz

    Every Fall I get a lot of email from fishermen asking about catching river walleyes in the fall an I'm amazed at how many people try to overcomplicate the matter, either by their doing or because of the flood of printed matter on the subject.In reality, fall is one of the easiest times of the year to catch walleyes, especially large ones.

    The first step to being sucessful in the fall is to understand what motivates the fish at this time of the year. Fall walleyes have one and only one thing on their mind and that is to store up as much fat for the upcoming winter months as possible. At no other time of the year do walleyes go on a feeding binge like they do in the fall.

    Having said this, I'll toss in a little confusion by saying that they won't chase a fast moving lure or bait very far. Why, because using up too much energy to capture a meal doesn't fit into the equation.

    Walleyes are looking for an easy meal that presents the greatest opportunity for putting on weight. This having been said, we've just established our lure/bait choice and presentation - "large offerings fished slowly".

    Whether we're fishing lures or live bait, the choices are the same. For artificials, go with large, minnow imitating lures. Thundersticks, Rattlin Rogues, Husky Jerks and the like all fall into this category. As for live bait, use the largest minnows available such as 4 to 6 inch shiners or chubs fished on a jig just heavy enough to keep them on or near the bottom.

    Having established what the walleyes want and how they want it presented, the next task at hand is to find the fish.

    Remember, fall walleyes are trying to fatten up without expending any unnecessary energy. In other words, they don't want to spend a lot of time fighting strong currents but they won't be too far from current lines because river current brings their meal to them. Whether you realize it or not, we've just established location - fall walleyes will be holding near current breaks but close enough to the main flow to dart out and grab an easy meal as it passes by.

    There are two types of current breaks, those that are visible on the surface and those that are not so obvious.

    Examples of visible current breaks are dams, bridge abutments, fallen trees, points jutting out into the river and bolders rising above the surface. Since these types of structure are visible, they receive the greatest amount of fishing pressure.

    The other type of current break are those that lie beneath the surface of the river. These can be either submerged obstacles or the river bottom itself. Submerged obstacles like bolders or sunken trees give their presence away by a slight change in the current pattern just downstream from their location while most river bottom structure is not as easily detected. The most prevelent types of bottom structure are rocks, humps and depressions or deeper holes, all requiring the use of your electronics to locate them. These are my hands-down favorite locations for fall walleyes.

    Rocks and bolders are easily detected with your sonar but humps and bottom depressions can be much more subtle. One particular spot that comes to mind is a slight bottom depression that's about 15 or 16 feet deep while the surrounding area is only about a foot shallower. This spot attracts walleyes like a magnet. You can anchor near the shoreline and watch the boats drift by and you'll notice that the vast majority of walleyes are caught within a very small area. If you see fishermen catching walleyes consistently while others in the area go fishless, its time to investigate a little. Try to duplicate the "drift" that the lucky anglers are making while paying close attention to your graph and you'll see that they're not lucky at all - they just know where the structure is!

    Now that we know where to find the fish and what they want, the key is to get our offering down to them in an enticing manner. Minnow imitating lures can be presented by anchoring upstream of likely spots and allowing the current to carry the lure to the bottom or by using three-way rigs where current flow is greater. However, the most effective presentation I've found is verticle jigging a jig and minnow combination.

    Fall walleyes are not very particular about color or choice of jig head but my two favorites are the Buckshot Rattle Jig and Northland's Fireball jig. Since most rivers have reduced current flow in the fall, carry both 1/4 and 3/8 ounce jigs and you can't go wrong with Hot Pink and Chartreuse Green jigs. Whether a twister tail or other plastic is used is totally up to you but in situations where bulk is needed to slow down the fall, a small grub body or twister tail will suffice.

    A verticle presentation is required to maintain good contact with the jig and in cases where the water is too shallow for verticle jigging, a slip bobber can be used to avoid spooking the walleyes.

    The simplest method to fish the jig and minnow combination is using the lift/fall presentation. Allow your jig to hit the bottom and take up any slack line until you feel it resting on the bottom. Then raise the rod and lower it slowly, maintaining contact with the jig at all times. Keep your jig within 8 to 10 inches of the bottom and pause after a few lifts of the jig at both the top and bottom of the motion. Many strikes will come on the fall but the fish will also pick it up off the bottom or take it while hovering above the bottom. A little experimentation will tell you what the walleyes want on a particular day.

    Give these methods a try and you'll add fish to the livewell and have some tasty filets for the table as well!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • :D:D:D怪不得昨天假饵放下去就有大鱼咬,原来极有可能是一条准备冬粮的Walleye 啊!:D:D:D
      • 准备学着用JIG+GRUB试试
        • Jig效果还不错,昨天的第二条就是用Jig钓的。第一条是用假minno钓的。但第一条估计有4到5磅重,第二条么,大概一磅也不到吧。
          • 好,我要去备点minno,有什么颜色?
            • 颜色十分丰富,至于BASS喜欢的颜色么,暂时保密,以后悄悄告诉你,我可是研究了很多资料才得出的结论哦。 :-P
              • 买装备时喊上我啊。
                • 刚才又看了一个章节,好玩极了。:D
                  说鲈鱼会猛追鱼饵,原因之一是吃食;之二是条件反射,如果你的鱼饵刚好从它旁边经过,恰好你用的是spinner的话,它会毫不犹豫的咬钩;之三是出离愤怒,如果你一次又一次将假饵抛在同一个地方,当它费劲的从远处游到此地时,会愤怒的对假饵发动攻击,以发泄它的不满;之四......还没有看完 :-D
                  • 原来BASS是愤青。那我同时甩上几个钩,它还不得吐血了,否则都不好意思回去跟同类打招呼。
                    • 呵呵,那条BASS是放下饵就咬钩,然后迅速逃逸,然后作者继续投那个点,在第76次甩钩的时候,终于激怒了这个愤青,它划者一条笔直的波线冲向鱼饵,一口吞下。9pound,6ounce的大BASS,整个湖里面最愤怒的鱼。
                      • @@真有意思,哈哈
      • 有没有钓三文鱼的经验阿? :)
        • 还没有试过,但是温哥华的海钓更为刺激噢!还可以钓温哥华蟹呢!羡慕羡慕:-)
          • 不行啊, 我老爸已经连续"工作'了三天了, 还一条没钓到呢. 今天钓了一条三两的小鱼 :( 我正在阅读有关书籍, 给他理论指导呢
            • 据我了解,三文鱼不好钓,尤其是按咱中华鱼叟宁静志远的意境钓是肯定没戏。要...活泼...我还是领会得不深,让飞雪分析分析:|
              • 我也不清楚,最近专攻BASS。不过听说“飞蝇”钓法可能比较有效。等我看完这本BASS的书,再看看三文鱼,呵呵 :-))
                • 要提前啦兄弟,三文鱼已经哗哗地上来了,快来不及了...我芥么都买齐了....
                  • 嘿嘿,刚刚Book了两本Salmon的书:-))
        • 我新近结交一位阿根廷渔民,他说从十几号开始就是三文鱼的季节了,准备向他学习技术。就是不知学得地道否,因为我们两的交流经常是用肢体动作和各种怪笑声居多:D
          • 到时候请一定回坛子上SHARE一下阿...别忘了, 是ON-SHORE FISHING, 不是在船上的...:)