本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛从Nov 22, 2011早晨开始,一天内20个人连续给几百人群发垃圾邮件。Nov23, 竟还有5个人发, 尽管很多愤怒的要求停止发垃圾的回复。
这次的垃圾邮件非常明显,是说96小时不转发给所有就会有杀身之祸之类。 不像前些时流行的那些欺骗性很强的如救小孩的命,移植骨髓, 北京的天气,正义的请愿, 等等类垃圾。
22日的主要是对邮件组的垃圾攻击,所有发邮件的人被立即从邮件组中删除, 第一个给邮件组发的被永久清除。下午又暂时关闭邮件组(archive mode) . 终于喘了一口气, 有时间给朋友打了个电话。
结果十分钟后,受到了朋友给几百人发的邮件转发,又一支潘多拉的盒子打开了。 我不敢相信自己的眼睛,给朋友打电话问是不是帐户被黑了,朋友说是他发的,好玩。
这次第一天转发垃圾的大部分人,我都认识,很多是朋友,熟人,他们都是很好的人。问他们为什么发,都:1)不认为这是垃圾邮件 2)不认为转发邮件chain有什么不对 3)认为很好玩,对大家都有好处。 4)没什么大了的 5)没有人认为这些垃圾是对生命的糟蹋,是对自己作为一个人的智力的侮辱 We, as human beings, educated or not, shall have basic judgment and common sense.
This email is to confirm that you were removed from the txtl email group by sending group junk mails. And <xxx> was removed and banned by the email group forever as the first one to send junk to the group.
I am hoping you doing this was an accident, such as your computer infected by the virus. There were so many complaints this morning and I have been busy to delete you from the email group.
Life is short , we should respect others and we have more meaningful things to do.
Drop me a line if you believe in heart this kind of email is not garbage/junk/crap. Any email chain is garbage/junk/crap , no matter how good or deceived they look, such as to save people/children's life, to help somebody cured from cancer, to get rich from Google, Microsoft, IBM, etc, pledge to forward a great story, a prince from Africa who has a lot of money for you, ............., if you dont forward, then blah, blah, if you forward, then blah, blah.
We, as human beings, educated or not, shall have basic judgement and common sense.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
这次的垃圾邮件非常明显,是说96小时不转发给所有就会有杀身之祸之类。 不像前些时流行的那些欺骗性很强的如救小孩的命,移植骨髓, 北京的天气,正义的请愿, 等等类垃圾。
22日的主要是对邮件组的垃圾攻击,所有发邮件的人被立即从邮件组中删除, 第一个给邮件组发的被永久清除。下午又暂时关闭邮件组(archive mode) . 终于喘了一口气, 有时间给朋友打了个电话。
结果十分钟后,受到了朋友给几百人发的邮件转发,又一支潘多拉的盒子打开了。 我不敢相信自己的眼睛,给朋友打电话问是不是帐户被黑了,朋友说是他发的,好玩。
这次第一天转发垃圾的大部分人,我都认识,很多是朋友,熟人,他们都是很好的人。问他们为什么发,都:1)不认为这是垃圾邮件 2)不认为转发邮件chain有什么不对 3)认为很好玩,对大家都有好处。 4)没什么大了的 5)没有人认为这些垃圾是对生命的糟蹋,是对自己作为一个人的智力的侮辱 We, as human beings, educated or not, shall have basic judgment and common sense.
This email is to confirm that you were removed from the txtl email group by sending group junk mails. And <xxx> was removed and banned by the email group forever as the first one to send junk to the group.
I am hoping you doing this was an accident, such as your computer infected by the virus. There were so many complaints this morning and I have been busy to delete you from the email group.
Life is short , we should respect others and we have more meaningful things to do.
Drop me a line if you believe in heart this kind of email is not garbage/junk/crap. Any email chain is garbage/junk/crap , no matter how good or deceived they look, such as to save people/children's life, to help somebody cured from cancer, to get rich from Google, Microsoft, IBM, etc, pledge to forward a great story, a prince from Africa who has a lot of money for you, ............., if you dont forward, then blah, blah, if you forward, then blah, blah.
We, as human beings, educated or not, shall have basic judgement and common sense.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net