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Well, this is another if that we don't know. But let's say you are right. What would you do if you neighbour really "用bb gun对着我老婆和2岁女儿挥舞"+"call your wife bxxxx"? BTW, I just called a friend who are real estate agent.

He told me this type of town house is actually getting very common. They can have 3 - 4 levels but unlike normal town house or house which are mainly build of wood, this type of town house usually have concrete to separate each family; so the sound insulation is much better than normal house.

Again, I am not here to defend LZ. All I want to say if you have dispute with anyone, e.g. colleague, neighbour, you must find a civilized way to resolve the problem. If you don't want to go to seek assistance from authority, this is fine! But don't do anything like "用bb gun对着我老婆和2岁女儿挥舞"+"call your wife bxxxx"

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 昨天下午我不在家,老婆和楼下争吵,楼下男人用bb gun(事后知道)对着我老婆和2岁女儿挥舞。我晚8点回家,报警。楼下4人被铐走。我想知道下面会发生什么?谢谢
    • 你们一次次出庭作证。写的啥,到时忘光了。
      • 哦,这样。有点麻烦。目前警察会禁止他回来居住吗?
        我们租TH,在2,3楼。他租地下室,我们正常的日常生活当然会通过楼板传下面。我们隔壁的白人家在他的living room上,我家在他的BR上。下午5点,我2岁女儿在2楼稍微跑动,他就狂顶楼板10分钟。我们平时就是正常走动,也很约束小孩跑动。
        anyway,他们也进去了。我也和管理员谈了,会驱逐他们。 所以我想知道,警察是否会禁止他们回来居住。警察会通知我们处理结果吗?
        • 警察会给他们个order, 禁止接触你。
          • good enough, thank you!
          • 这种鸟凹德,从来只能吓唬老实国移,赶上真不善的主,谁把它放眼中。邻里纠纷,和气生才,警方介入,立成敌我。
            • 国女彪寒无畏,国男当能自持。不能耳根子软,打击报复同胞,不择手段。
              • :)
          • If the police did NOT issue the 禁止 order, you should find a lawyer to apply one from court!
        • If I were you, I would find a lawyer and sent a letter to your landlord about your situation and ask your landload to take whatever actions necessary to protect your family safety.
          • thanks a lot
    • 他是华人,一单母带2女1男.....楼下男人用bb gun.....到底是男是女?
      • 子女已成年
    • 愚蠢的女人爱吵架,萎琐的男人爱报警。为这么点小事,把人一家四口,都是无业的可怜人家送监牢,过分。
      • 为什么小事会坐监牢? 请赐教。“愚蠢的女人爱吵架,萎琐的男人爱报警”请给出处,哪篇名著里有此话?
        • 毛主席说的.
      • 我承认是有些反应过度,我当时不在家。我老婆女儿5点回家,就走了2步。下面就狂顶楼板10分钟,我2岁女儿吓得像老鼠一样乱跑,直到现在还不怎么正常。然后他到我们窗口和我老婆理论。多次用到粗俗语言。而且手里挥枪(我老婆当时怎么知道那个不是真枪,这是警察说的)
        • You did the right thing.
        • You did the right thing
        • This might be the rightest thing you'd ever done!
        • 不知道为什么抓人还把他们家人抓走了?老婆儿子女儿?都拿BB枪了?
          • 一根烧火棍,十辆警车来。不是LZ能造谣,就是警察善打黑。LOL~~~~
            • :)
            • 这个倒是有可能。应该立法禁止BB GUN。
          • 我只是陈诉事实,接下来的事情就不受我控制了
            • 我知道你控制不了,不过就是奇怪为什么他家的人也被抓走呢。有些人在加拿大心里阴暗的很,你对他好点他就觉得你好欺负。你做的没错。
              • :)
        • You did the right thing.
        • 报警没错,都威胁到人身安全了,至于警察要如何处理已经超出你能控制的范围。
        • 走了2步就导致狂顶楼板10分钟? 不至于吧. 你有没有跟楼下的谈过?
      • Using your standard, I am a very 萎琐的男人!
      • 无业的可怜人: how do you know
    • move
      • 我的合同还没有到期,可以以此为理由吗? 正好现在要买房
        • 按hkchan的建议发律师信给房主,以人身安全早威胁为由搬家吧。及时对方已经被抓,说不定什么时候来报复了。
          • 多谢指教
    • 有意思.很有意思.期待下回分解.
    • The safety of your family and yourself is your #1 priority! And you do whatever legal and necessary to achieve this simple objective! Do you know any lawyer? You can find one from Upper Canada Law Society.
    • 加拿大就应该禁止这类房子。前几年看到建筑商开发这种房子,心想谁买这种房子不是找罪受,NND的N多人排队,一天就卖完。
      • Toronto City has bylaw to control this rooming house; however, the bylaw didn't grant city offical the authority to go in and inspect. So the city offical has to get owner's permission to go in the house for investigation!
        • :)
      • This is the key。 黑心的房东,黑心的警察黑律师,可怜的一家四口新国移,从此成了案上的一块肉。
        • 木结构房子楼上有人跳,下面的人绝对感到地动山摇。
          • 我们绝对没有跳过,我女儿也就是小跑一下。如果因为这个触怒人家,我实在抱歉。所有的地面都是地毯,不过影响还是会有的。另外,小孩有时会东西拿不稳,掉地上
            • Even if you and your daugther has been running all days; they must have formal channel to complain. Whenever I have complains with my neighbours, I would try to disucuss politely with them for a few times.
              If I cannot resolve the problem with them, then I reported to City or police. City or police may not always solve my problem but we should always remember to be civilized.
        • 我现在比较严肃对待这个问题。楼下的是什么背景我一直都不知道。看来你很清楚。如果我的家庭受到什么影响的话,我一定会建议警察调查一下你这个知情人。
          • 做人还是宽容一点,都是中国人!你比谁都清楚那是个BBGUN,你只是想报复对方,可怜新移民不知道坏人有多坏。
            • BB GUN 也能打死人吧?
              • 老实说如果用BB GUN指了人,或者哪怕是威胁要使用BBGUN,老油都会赞同LZ几分,不过从他反复的叙述来看,就连LZ老婆添油加醋向他告状,也没有提到。所以如果老油做JURY,我会相信年轻人只是因为草莽,让BBGUN在不合适的时间,出现在不合适的地点。应该完全是innocent的。
                • 想当年美军也是在不合适的时间,出现在不合适的地点。应该完全是innocent的?做JURY要看证据的。你当辩护律师吧。
            • 这个读心术厉害。中国人也有杀人的。
              • 不必读心,只需读字。LZ一大清早忙于改贴,老油昨天备份了一贴,大家再来一瓶
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1。这里的木结构房子,楼上不给楼下造成影响,是不可能的。






                7。如果你有什么意见,为何不向管理处反应? 总是在晚上5,6点的时候持续敲击楼板?



                10。你在光天化日,旁边有第3方证人的情况下,拿着一根类似枪支的物体,对着一女子和一小儿挥舞,而且用证人听得懂得语言,说类似FXXX, BXXXX的话,说明你的自我保护意识和法律常识太差。



                13。欢迎各位继续指教更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • :) thank you very much for the kindly helping hands. I will ring you if I need a private assistant
                  • 知错能改是男儿。你要是带头为楼下不幸人家募捐律师费,老油愿牺牲色相,代表肉联萎琐男,向楼下同胞表达慰问。
                    • oldyou, if you can tune your language better, your voice can be listened more. I find some of your argument are very good but I really can't stand your language, e.g. 萎琐男! This is very offensive!
        • So what would you do if this happened to your wife and daugther?
          • Talk to the people downstairs. Be sympathetic. I believe most people are reasonable.
            • How many reasonable people would "用bb gun对着我老婆和2岁女儿挥舞"+"call people bxxxx"?
              • calm down. Mr. Chan. 所有证词,全是LZ转述太太之转述,大凡有国女吵架场面,混乱可想而知,不威胁对方杀光全家,已经显得狠有教养。再说作人民审判员,首相应该听取两边证据。你这样意气用是,很容易被人煽动,成为不明真相的群众。
                • Yes, you are right. LOL, I don't often agree with you. But the message I tried to sent out is don't do the dirty work yourself, let the authority to handle such complain, e.g. property management, landlord, city offical or police.
                  I lived in a condo for a year and there was a time I make excessive noise; within 5 minutes, a guy from property management knocked my door and stopped me. They are professional and trained to handle such complains. Let them do their job, you pay them to handle such complain.
                • if what said was truth - "大凡有国女吵架场面,混乱可想而知", I would never dare to argue with Chinese women. I never have such experience, so I can't comment.
              • They're obviously enraged. Reasonable people do crazy things when they're enraged. Besides, you're only getting accounts from one side.
                • You are right; so far, we only heard the story from 1 side. But the point that I want to make is if anyone who has similar problem; don't engage yourself. Find someone else, property management / landlord / city offical or even police.
                  • 现在有大trouble的是楼下,楼上这一家,已经有了强大的加拿大司法机器保护。铲先生热心肠,应该为楼下找一点廉价律师,或者募捐一点律师费。
                    • Well, for those who know the family live in the basement. My only suggestion is don't break the law again. If the police has issued an order to stop you going home now, then they should not go home.
                      And if LZ didn't tell the truth, then I still believe our justice system, i.e. "用bb gun对着我老婆和2岁女儿挥舞"+"call people bxxxx" never happened.
                  • Totally disagree. 邻里矛盾大部分是人民内部矛盾, 扯上第三者, 就成了敌我矛盾. 扯上警察, 就成了你死我活的敌我矛盾.
                    • IF (we have to start with a if, since we do not know the story from both side) LZ told us the truth, his neighbour really "用bb gun对着我老婆和2岁女儿挥舞"+"call people bxxxx", and he really did not make EXCESSIVE noise;
                      what would you do if you were in his position?
                      • I doubt he didn't "make EXCESSIVE noise". When my wife walks upstairs, from downstairs, it feels like she's stomping on the floor. However, she insists she's very light. You don't know how downstairs feel unless you experience it downstairs.
                        • Well, this is another if that we don't know. But let's say you are right. What would you do if you neighbour really "用bb gun对着我老婆和2岁女儿挥舞"+"call your wife bxxxx"? BTW, I just called a friend who are real estate agent.
                          He told me this type of town house is actually getting very common. They can have 3 - 4 levels but unlike normal town house or house which are mainly build of wood, this type of town house usually have concrete to separate each family; so the sound insulation is much better than normal house.

                          Again, I am not here to defend LZ. All I want to say if you have dispute with anyone, e.g. colleague, neighbour, you must find a civilized way to resolve the problem. If you don't want to go to seek assistance from authority, this is fine! But don't do anything like "用bb gun对着我老婆和2岁女儿挥舞"+"call your wife bxxxx"
                          • Your friend who are real estate agent is an idiot. LZ already said the floor is wooden floor. This kind of house is called condo townhouse or apartment townhouse.
                            • Do you often call people idiot?
                              • Only call idiot idiot.
                              • LZ already said "1。这里的木结构房子,楼上不给楼下造成影响,是不可能的。", You defend for LZ this kind of house has good sound insulation. It's funny.
                                • There are townhouses which are designed to host multiple familes. It looks very similar to normal townhouse, most of the structure is still wood but they have sound barrier materials which can be brick, concrete or some kind of buffer.
                                  Have you lived in a townhouse before? Even a regular town house, each town house (although they are linked together) are separated by a wall that is not made of wood to provide better sound isolation and sometime they are called firewall.

                                  Try to google "townhouse sound proof", it can be done. And most modern townhouse that host multiple families; both left and right, up and down employ one or more materials to reduce the noise.

                                  I would not comment LZ's specific house. But my friend is a professional real estate agent who know what he was talking about.
                                  • What's your point? Anything to do with this hot event? It seems you have a very high position in your company. Are you always leading a team in such pointless way?
                                    • :)
                          • I don't believe someone would "用bb gun对着我老婆和2岁女儿挥舞" for no reason. If so, he's a mental and I run away. I've never had a bad neighbor because if they complain about me, I smile and listen, instead of threatening them with police.
                      • 是正当防卫,还是利用合理的规则陷害人,只有当事人清楚,两种不同的情况其心理负担肯定不一样的。
                        • I am not LZ and I am not going to defend him. But we are in Canada and we should solve our conflict or dispute with other people following Canadian approach, a civilized way! I just don't want to see other Chinese immigrants get arrested by police.
    • 同情楼下的更多些。LZ得饶人处且饶人,不要非逼迫人家搬家。都是穷人才会租这种房子,你非让人家损失房租搬走,逼急了对大家都不好。
      • what happen if you 饶人 but 人 doesn't 饶 you!
        • 那就自己搬走。按照完美的中国道德标准,LZ这样的应该自行离开,而不是报警。
          • 中国道德标准都是用来要求别人的。比如老毛号召别人学雷锋。
      • LZ 一家的 soft skill 很差
        • 有人拿枪指着你,你还谈什么soft skill,真是滑稽
          • 真滑稽,你好好的,有谁拿枪指着你? 你走在大街上,有多少人会莫名其妙 来骂你 biiiii, faaaa啊,用用脑子!
            • 我敢打赌,LZ这号的,大街上无论被什么人骂 biiiii, faaaa的,只会低头赶路,装听不懂E文。也就那点欺凌孤儿寡母的章程。不过哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗,这个道理,世界上到处一样。
          • 看看 LZ 在整个贴子上同其他人的对话,即可大概知道LZ 一家怎么样了; 冲动很正常,但是在整个帖子的来来去去这么几天,都很冲动,那就有点问题了
            • 人都是有良知的。夫妻俩看完免费的好赖屋警匪大片,出了长长的一口恶气,夜深人静的时候,难免要摸一摸自己的良心。
    • 被告应保留BBGUN,如果不是一把仿真枪的话就反告LZ诬告,法官应会判断LZ有没有能力分清BBgun,如果是一把红色的水枪,一个成年人应能分清。 利用合理的规则陷害人,这种人很可怕。
      • 你怎么知道是红色的?
      • Do you know what a BB gun is?
        I had been pointed by a BB gun many years ago when I was in a boarding school. Our scool had a graduation party, a lot of students came back and they really make a lot of noise. So I went out from my room and told them to keep their noise down. One white boy took out his BB gun and beleive me you can't tell the difference as a layman. I only know a gun pointed to me and I was very scared. Fortunately, my Chinese colleague hit him from the back. He was seriously hurt because everyone scared it was a real gun. He had to stay at hospital and was later arrested by police. He could not come back to school any more.
        • Just checked wiki. I really don't think BB gun is something I can ignore at the time it is pointed to me:
          • This is why I don't understand a lot of Rolians still think the boy is OK to "用bb gun对着我老婆和2岁女儿挥舞". No matter what LZ and his family did, their neighbours should go to the proper authority. Showing a BB gun in front of a woman
            and a 2 years old girl is totally unacceptable!

            A powerful BB gun can seriously hurt a 2 years old girl depends on the velocity.
      • If you bring a BB gun to Eaton Center and show it in front of public; you would see how a police officer who is well trained and has a lot of knowledge about gun, can tell if you just carry a BB gun or real gun.
      • I think BB gun is not a 水枪...
        • If I hold a BB gun in front of a police officer and I refused to put it down; I believe if the police office shoot me, he would not be charged at all.
      • 或拿着冒充真枪威胁人,或忘了放下冲出来吵架被抓把柄,或者干脆经常看见邻居玩这假枪的,等等,真当防卫或陷害的可能性都有。
        • Good reasons! I hope the boy read your comment and use it to defend himself in the court.
          • 警察后来也没有搜到BB gun, 报警的人也没看见过,要是没有第三方证人,说不定结局大出意料。
            • :)
    • 楼下4人被铐走: some thing wrong, out of your control...
    • 看看什么是 BB GUN
      可不是小孩子玩的喷水枪,是能发出铁弹子打伤人的 拿 BB GUN 威胁人,和拿真枪威胁人实在没什么两样
      • 谢谢你提供解释,不过是长一点的那种,bb gun这个名字还是当时在边上看到的老外告诉警察的。我本人没有看到现场,警察后来也没有搜到。我后来和我们的super聊,他说这种枪近距离可导致失明
        • 老油前面就说烧火棍,说不定他还真认识楼下。
        • 在国内这种枪也叫钢珠枪,黑帮打架或者吓唬百姓经常用的
          • 这东西很厉害,打到小孩脑袋上有可能要命。
    • 警察按规则行事,抓小偷时要先查一下身上有没有可以被认为是武器的,等你查完小偷早无影了,这就是规则,规则就是让你认偷,利用规则来报复就很阴险,远离之为好。 有一天你得罪了他,你手上拿一烧火棍从他家走过他都可以叫来10辆警车指控你想杀他。
    • 没发现LZ有哪里做的不妥的地方,保护自己是每个人的权利,另外哪个族裔里面都有好人和鸟人
    • 大伙听LZ一面之词时请想一下,真是能杀伤人的枪,一家4口能马上出来?早成头条新闻了。 LZ没看到就报警,浪费了你我纳税人的钱。 改天我也报,说LZ杀了人但我只是听说的。 LZ要是碰上个来事的就麻烦了非赔上几千律师费。 做人还是要忍一点。
      • oasis?
      • If someone brings a BB gun to your house and point it to your wife and daguther plus keeps saying f u. Do you think your wife can tell if it is a real gun or just a BB gun? And if you wife tells you someone point a gun to her,
        are you going to tell her that "I didn't see it, I am not going to call police. And before you call police, you must make sure it is a real gun; otherwise, you are wasting our tax payer's money and police resources!". BTW, your wife also told you that there was a 3rd party witness. I like to hear what your wife are going to say to you!
      • 只要是担心人身安全受到威胁,就应该毫不犹豫的报警,我们缴的税就是干这个用的。警察怎么处理那是警察的事,报警者只需陈述事实。
    • 楼主做的没啥不对的,那楼下邻居的行为就知道不是好鸟,没啥好同情的。
      • +1
      • +1, 说的对。 LS那些不分黑白的国人,真让人无语。家人受到威胁,报警后,警察知道该怎么办,LZ做的没任何问题,警察既然限制那厮,他违法时就应再报警,否则真出什么事,后悔也来不及了。从上面部分回帖可以看出,中国人是好欺负的。
        • 是的,有些话我不方便讲的你都说的。在国人的论坛,如果说一些事实,少不了会受到一些人的猜测,怀疑,攻击和谩骂。我欣赏hachan 的逻辑分析,和许多网友的善意支持。但不是因为支持我,我就高兴。
          • Don't scare us! If you have any doubt, no matter how small it is. Call POLICE, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RIGTH AWAY! Don't hestiate! Your family safey comes first!
            • You don't know where the BB gun is!
          • 老油的话虽然不中听,也不是没一点道理,听这个hkchan,爽是爽,他又不担风险,不留余地,肯定就死磕的,做事中庸,才不会担惊受怕,最后,祝你能度过危机,也能吸取经验。
            • :)
            • I called police when I saw teenage taking marijuana in the park when there were other 20+ kids playing in the parks. I called police when there was teenage drinking beer and playing football outside my house at 2 am.
              I called police when I saw a lot of cars didn't stop at a stop sign which is very close to school and a lot of children cross the road at that stop sign. I called police when I saw a man keep hitting a woman while he was driving and 2 kids were sitting at the back seat.
              • Your brain is a mess. Did you ever tell those guys you are the one who called police? Your house windows will be broken without reasons if you did.
                • It was the third time I saw those teenages taking marijuana within the same week in summer. I went to tell them to go somewhere else because there were a lof of kids and they gave me about several hundred F words.
                  A few police cars came and took them away. I never saw them in neighbourhood again.
                • 信西方教的人,往往认为自己做的事情就是对的
            • I had very painful lessons when I 留余地 for other people. They returned and hit me from my back. If you are kind to your enemy, you are cruel to yourself and your family!
              • One thing you should know that they are not in born your enemy, and you make them be your enemy.
                • Did I? Did they? Did I tell you the story? How do you know I make them be my enemy?
                  • I don't have enemies. Most of people don't have enemies. Ususally only people who enjoys having enemies will have enemies.
                    • Lucky you!
                      • Simply, first, neighbour won't point his BB gun at me. Second I would rather move than make enemy.
                        • We have different views but when I said "Lucky you", I really meant it! Let me give you an example, if 1 people want to become a director but department head decided another person was more suitable.
                          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛When the news was announced, that person couldn't accept it and did a lot of things to try to pull down the new director. Shold the new director step down in order to avoid such enemy?

                          In office, there were a lot of politics that I hate but I had to do it. A mistake was found and other teams tried to blame your programmer; should you defend your innocent programmer? Or when it cames to bonus time; should you fight for your programmers to get their fair bonus they deserve. There is limited resources in a company, and unfortunately, you have to fight for it. And during the processes, someone can become personal and pick you as an enemy.

                          I don't want to make enemy and please believe me when I said it. Enemies make my works very difficult. Unfortunately, a lot of time it is not up to me. I need our server team to install a piece of software and if they refused to do it, I have to bring up the issue to their VP. When the support team accidentally reduced my database size during a migration, I had to report this problem to senior management; specially when the support team told their VP it was my programmers who put in new code that crashed the system.

                          I had more friends when I was a junior programmer!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                          • It's not "敌我冲突" but "人民内部矛盾". We always handle office confliction more soft and have some space to turn around.
                            • 无论在哪里,Stay cool,别人就不能拿你怎样。女人已经失去理智,男人不能跟着发狂。楼下小兄弟没有社会经验铸成大错,不如楼上中年男老奸巨滑,所以中计。
                              • Very good point! No matter what conflict you have, stay cool! Even if you are 100% correct but if you didn't stay cool, people would still don't believe you!
                            • Again, lucky you to have such office culture. But what would you do if someone accused your programmer crashed a production environment when you found out there were someone else changed the database configuration and trimmed down its size!
                              • Once I even called my manager a liar in front of him and general manager, of cource I had evidence when I said that. But I swear I won't do it again.
                                Your experience happens in my office everyday. Luckily my knowledge is way better than other guys in my office so ususally it's a piece of cake for me to identify a issue. Honestly I don't how to handle it if I don't have the capability. Maybe like a bunch of dogs bite each other in yard.
                                • Do you mind to share with me how you can handle such accuse without offending another manager? He said in front of my VP, his VP and the VP of business users that the problem was due to my programmer.
                                  I was very lucky that I always implemented a good error logging framework in my system so I could tell someone actually changed the database configuration. I showed the log to my VP and his VP; then he started telling us his DBA was on vacation and he didn't know exactly how to migrate a database.

                                  From that point onward, everytime I needed something to be done, I had to forward my request to his VP. He never talked to me in person.
              • It looks like you are very proud that you have so many enemies. Can you sleep smoothly in bed if your enemies are watching you?
                • First, I don't have a lot of enemy; second, I am not proud to have enemy.
    • 善一点,宽容一点,吃点小亏,就不会有WORRY和心理负担,就算不全是你的错也可以说声对不起。
      • :)
    • LZ做的太过分了,典型的欺负新移民么。
      • 有某搞错,四个成年人吓唬一个妇女,到底谁欺负谁呀?你叫警察来欺负我一下试试?
        • 看了看前面的贴,好象只有一个年轻人啊,哪有四个人都欺负了?你是怎么知道的,奇怪。警察估计是把楼下一家人都叫到警察局询问了,犯法的只有那个年轻人啊。
      • 而且我可以透露以下我如何利用警察欺负的细节:起初当然只有2部车来了解情况。等到他们证实了以后,立刻在5分钟内,另外5,6部黑白警车和2部全黑车包围前后门。其中包括1部van装着4个工兵警员带工具时刻准备破窗。当然所有车在小区里是不闪灯的。
        • 做得好,20年前,如果有人敢这样,我会拿菜刀劈了他,现在,偶也要学习LZ
        • 说实话我很怀疑你的证词有没有夸大的成分。如果你说的是事实,楼下的不可能这么快就放出来了。你的目的是为了保护家人没错,但也没必要逼的这么死。有兴趣跟警察说的细节都说说吗?
          • 小心我告你诽谤
            • 老是诽谤诽谤的烦不烦啊...
          • 对家人最好的保护,是让他们在外谨言慎行,遇见危险绕着走,而不是以一敌四好无惧色。
        • I suggested they tried to show a BB gun in front of a police officer.
          • 香港大哥你那么强大,不必拿BB GUN啦,面对皇家骑警,只需要拿个钉书机就可以了。
            • I won't! But if you insist to try, then it is your responsibility to face the consequence.
    • 楼主我支持你,不要理会那些骂你的人。
    • 我觉着是楼下不懂法造成的, LZ孩子吵闹完全可以向房主反映, 让房主将LZ一家赶走(不过可能正合LZ之意, 因为他们正准备买房子,而租房合同还没到期), 如果房主不愿解决的话可以找政府部门帮助解决, 很简单的一件事,闹这么大.
      • 留点口德,看清楚我什么时候说过我孩子吵闹了?我们完全是正常生活。奉劝你留点口德。是事情发生后才考虑要马上搬的,看清楚了,是马上。留点口德啊!乖
        • 你要是碰到一个比你更有心计的,他/她先报案说你老婆手上拿一棒子你说得清吗?你会碰到这样的人,在工作中,在地铁里。。。
          • 同胞啊,留点口德好吗?我是在自卫,需要在这个方面比心计吗?警察要证据,证人的。不要乱说,留点口德啊,拜托
            • 坛子里啥人都有。别往心里去。
          • Yes, there are people who are smart, clever, know our system and they can also be evil and dirty mind. So we have to be careful!
            • 有人在赞大哥你的逻辑思维,我现在也开始认位,您真的就是大型公司里的IT Director。
              • I quitted!
                • Why?
                  • I couldn't stand the heat! I like system works, very simple. Follow the spec, get the work done within schedule and budget then a job well done! Every year I showed my boss over couple hundred thank you email from my clients.
                    And I would get a big bonus at the end of year.

                    But being a middle management in a big company is totally another story. What is right or wrong? Whose fault is that? Playing politics! Getting resources for your team, money, people, good high profile projects! Meeting from 9 to 5! Your programmers refused to do OT when there was a major upgrade! Your CIO asked you to prepare a report and ready by tomorrow monring, but you only got the email at 7 pm. Your clients compalined the IT cost was too high and I had to BS reasons that I didn't even believe myself.

                    I can go on and on! The simple reason is I am not good at management! I am happier to work with a dump computer rather than people.
                    • "I am happier to work with a dump computer rather than people." But you're giving advices here on situations which is 100% about people.
                      • and your point is?
                        • you have been working with dump things too long
                          • Yes, I have been staying at Rolia too long!
                            • and your point is?
                              • My point is vetra's point. I had been working with dump things too long.
                                • kind of surprised , Rolia is that powerful influenced u so much. Getaway then
                                  • No, Rolia did not influence me.
                      • I am not happy, I am not comfortable, doesn't mean I am not competent! My team was the only team that didn't have any project that was over budget / schedule. As a matter of fact, my boss assigned more programmers to my team
                        because the programmers requested to transfer to my team.
    • 我不关心你在这里说的是真是假,那是需要在法庭上用证据来说话的。但是只要你认为人身受威胁了,就只管报警,剩下的事归警察和法官来处理。
      • 本案的关键是,他老婆不认为人身受到什么威胁,LZ归家后小题大作,让小区人民观看一出免费的好莱屋警匪大片。
      • 如果楼主一贯是胆小怕事,我也会觉得,他真的是吓坏了才报警。不过从他一个礼拜以来的斗志昂扬,什么生死轮回都可以置之度外的,绝不是什么善主。所以我的结论是,LZ借机,打击报复楼下孤儿寡母,为的是老婆出气,或者是让老婆仰视一回。
    • 如果有第三者在现场,如果真是一把BBGUN,第三者会报警,如果没有目击证人那就是LZ夸大了。 LZ最好问一下警察”making false witness causing wrongful arrest“ 是何罪。 如果没有目击证人,楼下那家就一口咬定没拿任何东西,一切白搭。
      • 最阴险的就是这种看客,明明看见掏了家伙不报警,继续欣赏国女互斗。欣赏完莱屋警匪大片,转身还给楼主一家煽火。洋人就是鬼,挟洋人以自重可耻。
        • What should we do if we see this happened in our neighbourhood?
          • 没在大陆呆过吧,不知道居委会大妈的好处了吧
            • You are right; don't know what you are talking about. But we are all in Canada now, so what you would do if you see such thing happens in your neighbourhood? I guess a lot of things in Canada are more formal and offical.
              And China is more "human" involved. I never been there, so I may be wrong.

              I can't comment which one is better, I can only say I am more comfortable with the Canadian way.
              • I believe most of canadians don't have experience of call police. You seems having addiction of calling police.
                • So what would you do if you saw someone pointing a gun to someone else in your neighbourhood? Mind you, you can't tell if it is a BB gun or real gub!
                  • Don't ask what would you do any more. I said this thing won't happen to me.
                    • You can even control that you would NOT see such conflict / dispute happened in your neighbourhood. How can you do it?
                      • Tell you why?
                        1. I won't rent this kind of apartment because of its structure. For example, most people choose install AC close to lot line, and I don't.
                        2. It's my fault if neighbour complains noice. It's not neighbour too sensitive to sound. I choose apologizing instead of arguement. I will think of moving if my kid is too active. I will never assume I have to live a way as is.
                        • You miunderstood my question. Must be my poor English. My question is if you are an independent 3rd party, going home from work and you see 2 of your neighbours are arguing and one take out a gun and point to the other.
                          There is no way you can tell if this is a real gun or BB gun, what would you do?

                          You are not in the argument / conflict at all! You just walk by!
                          • The least thing I need to make sure is gunman doesn't know I am the one who call police. Maybe I simply choose run away. Why do I need take risk?
                            • long time ago I visited US from China, I was told by tourist company not staying and watching any argument on the street, any car accident, etc.
                              • No, you don't want to watch it. As I said you didn't know if it is a real gun or not! Our safety always come first. You don't want to be a DEAD hero.
                                The first time I called 911, I was very scared. A mother with a small girls walked over the street. All the cars stopped and suddenly a car moved up a little bit (very slowly) and hit the mother. It was many years ago and I was one of the few who had a cellular phone. I took it out but I hestiated to call. The woman stood next to me, virtually yelled and told me to call 911.

                                I called but I couldn't even tell the name of intersection. The same woman took my phone and described the accident to 911 operator. The woman started to comfort the little girl and her mother. I stood there for a few minutes. After police came, I asked him if I could go now since I was the one who called 911. He looked at me like some kind of idiot, and told me he was busy and I could go.

                                Most of the time I called police was not even for myself.
                            • Of course, your safety comes first. I called police a few times; so far they never even bother to call me for witness or anything. I just made a call.
                          • So what would you do?
                            • You can't tell by now.
    • LZ不需要在这里解释,论坛而已。
      • 没见一个人说楼下对了,双方肯定都骂娘了。 强大的加国专政机器也认为小偷偷了就偷了,被偷的不能过份。
        • 我只是在说同胞,新移民,抓小偷和加国政权不在我讨论范围内,你也不必上纲上线。:)
          对骂?不清楚,就算对骂了,但没对拿BB gun,这点是清楚的。LZ也说了楼下已经狂顶过楼板,是楼下冲上去,不是楼上冲下去,而且气势上一个小伙子对着妇女和幼小的孩子也是理亏。我只是觉得楼主报警是合适的,不是有些人说的那么不堪,楼下也不像有些人说的那么悲情。据理力争,有理又做得有理才能争,就算有理但做得无理要争这得看路数了,要不就是给一个理由---情有可原?但做错了就是错了,做得傻了就是傻了,输了就是输了。政权,没完美国度,没有一个国家的月亮是最大最圆的,怎么生活就看每个人自己的选择。
      • 94,每个人都可以坚持自己的观点,我会学习LZ的做法的。其他坚持让人一马的人,也可以坚持自己的做法。LZ share自己的经历,我受益匪浅,在此谢谢LZ。
    • 支持LZ. 保护太太.保护小孩是你该做的事情. 你做的很对. 论坛臭虫很多. 你别太在意.
    • 这个贴很强大,一定要顶。而且一定要坚持到楼下的年轻人上来再次用BBGUN ICON指着楼上的夫妇。
      • 楼上楼下都不是啥好鸟。这是我最后一贴。
    • 7 岁的孩子非要拿把TOYGUN 去讨糖,谢天谢地没遇上玩‘规则’的。
      • 这贴有点过分了,拿鬼节说事. 不信,你明天戴个最普通的面具去不认识的人家敲门,不把警察招来就怪了
        • 不要太敏感。去年不是抓了不少人吗?就是趁着鬼节杀人、抢劫。
      • 你要能允许你儿子带着TOY GUN去学校我就服你了。 牛。
    • 揮舞手槍指嚇他人 男子遭警槍擊胸膛
    • sailor你给查查他还有多少只马甲吧,LZ这WS这吊样,我很担心他真的被人拿枪轰了。
      10:35 From: superbear(大熊熊) 瘪三,你会被挖出来,执行掉的,你那?...
      瘪三,你会被挖出来,执行掉的,你那张臭嘴会同时被屎填满.W G Z
    • 经过仔细看楼主的发言,感觉楼主也不是什么好东西,小心啊...........
      • 朝闻道,夕死可矣。当初挺该WSN的童鞋,谁还在怀疑老油同志的眼力?
        • 你还闻道? 不知道你父母教育过你没有? 你成天以攻击别人为乐,真是缺乏教养.你还有脸去晚会上露脸?
    • 还是楼主狠。去年我邻居吵,我报警。警察走后邻居过来踢我的门,还大声骂。我想想,怕再叫警察来了这小子会做出来什么什么,所以咽口吐沫,我忍了。当时应该报警好了
      然后告诉警察他有bb gun,搞死他