1, conservative treatment includes increasing fiber and liquid intake and retraining in toilet habit
2, lubrication
3, sitz baths
4, Avoid aggressive treatment in patients with Crohn disease, especially if the rectal mucosa is acutely inflamed. Drain abscesses as soon as possible, despite active disease elsewhere.
5, Numerous methods to destroy internal hemorrhoids are available; they include rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy injection, infrared photocoagulation, laser ablation, carbon dioxide freezing, Lord dilatation, stapled hemorrhoidectomy, and surgical resection.
All of these methods (except stapled hemorrhoidectomy and surgical resection) are considered nonoperative treatments and should be the first-line treatment of all first- and second-degree internal hemorrhoids that do not respond to conservative therapy.
2, lubrication
3, sitz baths
4, Avoid aggressive treatment in patients with Crohn disease, especially if the rectal mucosa is acutely inflamed. Drain abscesses as soon as possible, despite active disease elsewhere.
5, Numerous methods to destroy internal hemorrhoids are available; they include rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy injection, infrared photocoagulation, laser ablation, carbon dioxide freezing, Lord dilatation, stapled hemorrhoidectomy, and surgical resection.
All of these methods (except stapled hemorrhoidectomy and surgical resection) are considered nonoperative treatments and should be the first-line treatment of all first- and second-degree internal hemorrhoids that do not respond to conservative therapy.