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more tips (SORRY. I can read and write Chinese but type, never learn Chinese typing before, sorry for the inconvenience) can any one teach me :-)?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛According the picture. Don't need to remove the three way connection. you can buy a "Plug" get it ready.

On the picture where the #2 Item area, there is a celbow comes out from the wall and goes down vertically, and kitchen sink joint in from side.

the other end of this pipe may lead too other water drainage pipe in you house, or it may connected to out side of the house on the roof for air exhaust, Understand the sewage system, the air traped in the understand groud sewage system must go some were when dirty water drains down to the sewage, therefor, every house have one or more pipe is open to free air on the root)

Suggest you, drill a hold on the top of that 60 degree elbow (make sure the hole is samller the plug, the hole need to cover up after) then feed the "Fish tape" or "Snack" into it, feed it as far as you can, twist the tape or Snack, the pipe is 2 inches ID, the tape only 1/8 inch thick, twisting the tape, will clean the entire wall of the pipe.. after all done cover it with the "Plug"更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 再次请问:厨房sink被堵得很深,机械的办法没有搞定;加入化学的,按照说明书最长都是半个小时。请问用过的朋友,最长的可以多少时间?放过夜或者10多个小时,对管道或者连接处到底会不会损害?多谢多谢!!!
    • did you open up the "U" to clean at the bottom of the sink? Did you try the steps in this link.........http://homerepair.about.com/od/plumbingrepair/ss/unplug_sink.htm
      • 下面的U管是干净的。找人用电动的Sink Auger通,但是通不了,说是堵得太深。没有管道布置图,找大的公司,一可能太费钱了;二可能需要大工程,如打开墙壁。想问:化学的,到底能处理多长时间?
        • drain pipe are ABS black pipe, check this link under the "Chemical Resistance" it is the most official data sheet there.
          • 是的,只有厨房的sink堵了,其他的包括地下室洗衣房的都没有问题。
      • 谢谢你的热心回复。我看了,可以用Drano,我用过这个,但是没有说耐多少时间??你知道吗??实在是头大。。。另外看到你的大号称‘电工’,我可以问你电方面的问题吗?再次谢谢你!!!
        • Wish it can help
          Since you don't know where the clog is. no matter how long keeping the chemicl cleaning agent in the pipe,the chemical may not reached the clogged area. is it only the kitchen sink have problem? When you hire contructor unclog the drain, how long of the Sink Auger they used? How many feet of the Sink Auger did they feed intoo the pipe? 5ft?10ft?
          any thing in electrical just ask.... i know more electrical then water drainage.
          • you are really a nice person!Have a good weekend!
            • Thank you for your comment, 助人为快乐之本,假如在坛子里可以用几句文字,或者几句说话就可以助人去明白.了解一些小问题,可乐而不为呢!希望大家有同感.欢迎有心人联系.交流经验.
              • 是的,只有厨房的sink堵了,其他的包括地下室洗衣房里的sink都没有问题,可能和主管道距离比较近,也没有那么多的菜渣下去。




                • is it possible to take a photo of the switch and the light socket wire connections.read the following answer some of the question,,, I may be able to help
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛关于卧室灯不亮问题,今天大早又打开看了,并比较了其它几个开关,还是不明白,具体情况如:
                  开关的接线是两黑一红;两黑线在一个接头(is this referred to the switch's screw teminal?),白线在另外一个接头(where is the 另外一个接头?is it more then one white wire twist and "capped" with 颜色的帽子") 。用电笔测,黑线无论开与关都有微弱的光亮。(this微弱的光亮 proven the White (Neutral) wire is connected properly. it is a feed back of the electrical current/voltage from other electrical device that is being used).

                  (红线关时没有电,开时有电 where is this RED wire?) Is it at the switch or the light box)。卸下灯头,(黑色接灯头的白线 Do not understand this, take a picture?);红色可能因为太短,经过一段大约5公分长的白线延长后(用黑色的电工胶带裹着),连接灯的黑线。灯头上面无数的线。看了另外一个卧室的灯头和开关,完全一样的接法,但是灯是亮的!!

                  是单开关控制,不知道为什么这么复杂,这么多线。另外,(灯头上面很多线并在一起,都戴着各种颜色的帽子 not to worry other wires, reason is the box are being used as a feed through box or called junction box, most inportant is find which of the wire is come from the wall, switch ),那些是什么?就是和普通的接头加上电工胶布一样的?
                  请你帮忙分析一下。谢谢你!!! picture is better then a thousand words.. take a picture post here.

                  For the sink drainage problem, if the contructor only used 15 ft auger, I would recommand, buy a 50ft or 30ft "Electraicl fishing tape", (HD/ Rona has it) Remove the " U" connection at the bottom of the sink than feed the "Electraicl fishing tape" into the drain, twist the tape while push it in, doing this should be able to remove whatever inside the pipe.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • 谢谢你的回复.我明天上个照片你看看.Electrical fishing tape比通管道的auger好用吗?Used this to pull some line through an underground pipe。但是不知道如何转动它?是链接中的东西吧?
                    • yes it is the right stuff, but don;t that long,picture shown is 260ft.. 20, 30ft is good if they have that size
                      it is the right thing..the reason i suggest this, because the auger used only 15 ft. this tape is much longer and flixable.
                      To twist it just rotate the whole blue housing. If it get stuck when feeding in, specially when it reched to the 90 degree trun,. juat pull it back 1 feet and twist it 1 or 2 rotation and feed again, make a measurment of the depth, than you know how far it reached.
                      • 谢谢你。开关的问题已经解决,是接触不良的问题。sink还得先去买fish tap。我以前用过,就是用来穿线的,但是感觉不是太好转弯,尤其是90度的弯。
    • call me:647-296-8682, easy
      call me:647-296-8682, easy
      • 请mpoon再来看看。不过先谢谢楼上的建议,没有什么效果。但是有意外的发现:加了热水后,图中标有2的那个管道,也是烫的很,估计热水也上去了。
        图上我都标清楚了。标有2的管道是朝上去的,但是这个位置的楼上没有任何用水的地方,请问是干什么用的??T型的接头有办法拆下来吗?图上也可以看到,都是用胶水胶在一起的。 如果能拆,我想通管道更容易了。堵的地方,应该是这个垂直的标有“污水下去的方向”,往横向走的弯道处,不知道对不对? 不能上图!
        • 不好意思,图在这里。
          • 图没有做好,这个图应该没有问题了。谢谢大家!!!
            • more tips (SORRY. I can read and write Chinese but type, never learn Chinese typing before, sorry for the inconvenience) can any one teach me :-)?
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛According the picture. Don't need to remove the three way connection. you can buy a "Plug" get it ready.

              On the picture where the #2 Item area, there is a celbow comes out from the wall and goes down vertically, and kitchen sink joint in from side.

              the other end of this pipe may lead too other water drainage pipe in you house, or it may connected to out side of the house on the roof for air exhaust, Understand the sewage system, the air traped in the understand groud sewage system must go some were when dirty water drains down to the sewage, therefor, every house have one or more pipe is open to free air on the root)

              Suggest you, drill a hold on the top of that 60 degree elbow (make sure the hole is samller the plug, the hole need to cover up after) then feed the "Fish tape" or "Snack" into it, feed it as far as you can, twist the tape or Snack, the pipe is 2 inches ID, the tape only 1/8 inch thick, twisting the tape, will clean the entire wall of the pipe.. after all done cover it with the "Plug"更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 这个注意非常好,万分感谢你!!!以后万一有问题,还可以继续。估计经常会堵,说是house都这样。 中文输入是比较简单的方法了。
    • 这是我家上次厨房sink疏通后写的,但愿对你有所帮助。另外我朋友借我的那工具试过效果很不错,就是要有耐心和体力。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我们家买房子搬进来后就发现各个下水不是很畅通,但不是特别影响使用,也就没管,终于在入住快1年时,厨房的下水彻底堵了!
      为了防止水从洗碗机里倒流出来,只好把接洗碗机的那管子拆下来,堵住。这时老公回来了,于是2人轮流上阵,拔了估计半个多小时,还是没任何反应,只好暂告一段落,准备第二天去home depot问问。
      第二天,赶紧上网查,在rolia上找到很多有用的信息。第一,水拔子只能解决水池附近堵塞的问题,说明我们家肯定堵在下水管道很远的地方。第二,疏通方法有物理方法,就是用一种叫snake的工具来通,这种工具可以在Canada tire买或在home depot租。第三,使用化学方法,用一种化学液体倒到下水管,由这种化学液体来溶解堵塞的赃物。根据这些信息,决定到Canada tire买snake去。
      到Canada tire后很快就找到了这个工具,考虑到我们家下水管可能堵在很远的地方,买了一根比较长的15英尺(15大洋)。回来后研究了半天终于搞明白怎么使用。这个工具其实就是一根钢管,有一定的韧劲和柔劲,它的工作原理就象是一根棍子去捅通下水管,但我开始没明白这个工作原理,以为把这个钢棍拼命往下水管塞进去就能捅通,结果全部塞进去后,还是没通,这时有点为难了,是不是堵的地方太远?买的长度不够?
      决定再去home depot看看,到home depot卖管道的地方问店员,他听我说把15英尺的snake全捅进去还没通,他不建议我再买更长的,而是建议我用化学方法。(发现home depot的同样的工具比Canada tire的便宜!只要10大洋)于是只好买一大桶专用于清洗厨房下水管道的液体(又花了10大洋)回来了。按照说明倒进下水管道,等了15分钟后,放热水冲,没戏!
      这可怎么办了?琢磨琢磨,感觉还得再去home depot租工具的地方看看去。只好又去home depot,到租工具的地方一看:那东西和我买的是一样的,仔细地咨询了店员,问她是不是因为我买的工具太短的原因?她说不应该呀,一般的支管道没有这么长,如果堵的是主管道,那应该其他的下水都会堵塞,但我们家的情况就厨房堵塞。我问她是不是因为下水管道粗,而snake细(就是筷子粗),所以snake在下水管道里是圈着的,所以需要很长的snake来捅开很短的下水管道?她说:不对,snake应该是直直的在下水管道里,不应该是圈着的。她又说:你捅时遇到阻力应该不断的顺时针旋转,直到snake很轻松的上下,这样下水管道里的堵塞赃物才能去掉。拿上价目表,先回来用已买到工具按那店员的话,再试试,如果还不通,再去租更长的来试试。
      第二天,2大腿肌肉酸痛得下楼梯都费劲!省点钱容易吗?但好处是:以后俺再也不怕下水管堵塞了!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 你说的很对,那个snake很好用,但用时注意其走向,千万别顺着管道往楼上走。个人感觉化学液体(应该是浓硫酸之类的强腐蚀液吧,用时要注意),商业广告对其作用过分夸大。
      • 谢谢你的帖子,很是鼓舞人,虽然我还没有勇气迈出这一步。
    • 厨房sink疏通了?
      再次call me:647-296-8682,
      • 谢谢你,还没有时间搞,这个周末看有无时间了。
      • 谢谢大家的热心回复。管道已经通了,真是不容易。在此特别感谢电工!!也写过程和感受。
        • 恭喜,不过你的验房师没有验下水?
          • 第一次买房,没有什么经验.记得放了一会水,没有看出来毛病,堵得确实深.
    • 借贴问一下:厨房下水不畅,离堵还很远,没有U管,水槽如此,怎么通?谢谢。