本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我关上门,放下包。打开电源板开关,打开屏幕,打开主机,然后去洗手间,拧开热水器,放热水。
我回到电脑前面,坐下来,连上网,开一个窗口去信箱,开一个窗口去聊天室。信箱的窗口说:“No Unread Messages”, 我关掉它。聊天室有稀疏的几个人。
二十分钟以后,我又回到电脑桌前,湿漉漉的头发上包着干毛巾。聊天室开始热闹。白底黑字中间,不时出现兰色或红色的彩字。PARKER 的名字静静地呆在名单倒数几个的位置。
我招呼他:Hey, there?
How are you doing today, Lily?
Lily has an excellent blossom today.
他照例会说:Good Lily.
他说:Would you like to make a guess?
我问:Is it a good place or not?
他说:It’s a place both good and not. If you love somebody,you send him here; if you hate somebody, you send him here too.
我说:Sounds not bad. Then the one you love and the one you hate will be meeting each other there.
他说:Sure. If not, where else should they meet?
他倒是没有问我从哪里来。他好象没有问过我这类的 private stuff.
在他声称是我的fiance 的第二天,我问他,为什么说是我的fiance. 他回答说:
Because I have been dreaming of marrying a lily since I was very young.
我说:I’ll say for sure this is not the lily in your dream.
PARKER:But you named yourself Lily.
野百合: No, I named myself 野百合。
PARKER: You sounds like a lily.
野百合: I am nothing like a lily except that I am lily-livered.
PARKER: Haha, I’ll never see that.
PARKER Privately Whispers to 野百合: Talking to somebody there? Lily?
野百合:No, I am not.
PARKER:Are you watching and listening?
PARKER:What’s in your mind when you are watching and listening?
PARKER:Are you not happy today?
野百合:Well, I am happy. I am just busy with my wet hair.
PARKER:You’ve got long hair?
野百合:No. A lily hasn’t got hair.
PARKER Privately Whispers to 野百合: Do you ever think about coming to the States?
我警觉:What are you thinking about over there?
PARKER: I didn’t say that for the good of myself.
野百合: Then it’s for the good of me?
PARKER:I want to help you. If you want to study in here, I may help you some.
野百合:Oh, thanks. How would you help me?
PARKER:You take exams and I’ll do the documents work for you.
我没有回答,心里面大为感动。这位PARKER,不过是个在网上聊天的陌生人。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
我回到电脑前面,坐下来,连上网,开一个窗口去信箱,开一个窗口去聊天室。信箱的窗口说:“No Unread Messages”, 我关掉它。聊天室有稀疏的几个人。
二十分钟以后,我又回到电脑桌前,湿漉漉的头发上包着干毛巾。聊天室开始热闹。白底黑字中间,不时出现兰色或红色的彩字。PARKER 的名字静静地呆在名单倒数几个的位置。
我招呼他:Hey, there?
How are you doing today, Lily?
Lily has an excellent blossom today.
他照例会说:Good Lily.
他说:Would you like to make a guess?
我问:Is it a good place or not?
他说:It’s a place both good and not. If you love somebody,you send him here; if you hate somebody, you send him here too.
我说:Sounds not bad. Then the one you love and the one you hate will be meeting each other there.
他说:Sure. If not, where else should they meet?
他倒是没有问我从哪里来。他好象没有问过我这类的 private stuff.
在他声称是我的fiance 的第二天,我问他,为什么说是我的fiance. 他回答说:
Because I have been dreaming of marrying a lily since I was very young.
我说:I’ll say for sure this is not the lily in your dream.
PARKER:But you named yourself Lily.
野百合: No, I named myself 野百合。
PARKER: You sounds like a lily.
野百合: I am nothing like a lily except that I am lily-livered.
PARKER: Haha, I’ll never see that.
PARKER Privately Whispers to 野百合: Talking to somebody there? Lily?
野百合:No, I am not.
PARKER:Are you watching and listening?
PARKER:What’s in your mind when you are watching and listening?
PARKER:Are you not happy today?
野百合:Well, I am happy. I am just busy with my wet hair.
PARKER:You’ve got long hair?
野百合:No. A lily hasn’t got hair.
PARKER Privately Whispers to 野百合: Do you ever think about coming to the States?
我警觉:What are you thinking about over there?
PARKER: I didn’t say that for the good of myself.
野百合: Then it’s for the good of me?
PARKER:I want to help you. If you want to study in here, I may help you some.
野百合:Oh, thanks. How would you help me?
PARKER:You take exams and I’ll do the documents work for you.
我没有回答,心里面大为感动。这位PARKER,不过是个在网上聊天的陌生人。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net