Builder's upgrade 永远比市场价贵, 所以要选一些以后自己做不了的, 像屋顶升高 (九尺起码, 十尺最好), 楼梯直通地下室, 天窗, 厨房柜橱(讲究很多), countertop, 楼梯及扶手, frameless shower, 改动门窗和壁炉。 地板可以自己做, 只是颜色一定要和楼梯相符。pot light, crown molding. paint 都可以自己做 (找人啦)。 另外每个house都有煤气, 自己买气炉就是了, 为什么要upgrade? The tricky thing about gas is that if you have more than 3 gas appliance (furnance, stove, fireplace and BBQ) then you might need to replace the pipe (can't remember the exact size, could be need to replace the standard 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch ones).