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lots of Canadians simply can't afford to raise children anymore

I searched for key word "Immigrant" on the Toronto Star
website (www.thestar.com) and found some good articles with
data on the immigrant issues which may be helpful to you.
The government is certainly not interested in doing any
study that is negative for it. But some social agency has
done some studies. I don't think Canada will change
immigration policy. The population is aging and the living
standard is declining so fast that lots of Canadians simply
can't afford to raise children anymore. That's why they have
to let in young people and their kids from the rest of
world. No matter what immigrants do, the winner is always
the government. 1. You can go back after spending $25,000 in
Canadian economy -- it wins2. You get a professional job
and pay $25,000 taxes every year -- it wins.3. You get a
labor job to feed yourself, you supplied cheap labor and you
and your kids relieve the aging of population -- it
winsHowever, to immigrants, that is unfair and immoral.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 生孩子----许多人以为,只有中国人、印度人容易生孩子
    • 不宜(摘自英语学习网站)
      Maria is a devout Catholic. She gets married and has 17 children. Then her husband dies. She remarries two weeks later, and has 22 children by her next husband. Then he dies. A while later, she dies.

      At the funeral, the priest looks skyward and says, "At last they're finally together."

      A guy sitting in the front row says, "Excuse me Father, but do you mean her and her first husband, or her and her second husband?"

      The priest says, "I mean her legs."
    • lots of Canadians simply can't afford to raise children anymore
      I searched for key word "Immigrant" on the Toronto Star
      website (www.thestar.com) and found some good articles with
      data on the immigrant issues which may be helpful to you.
      The government is certainly not interested in doing any
      study that is negative for it. But some social agency has
      done some studies. I don't think Canada will change
      immigration policy. The population is aging and the living
      standard is declining so fast that lots of Canadians simply
      can't afford to raise children anymore. That's why they have
      to let in young people and their kids from the rest of
      world. No matter what immigrants do, the winner is always
      the government. 1. You can go back after spending $25,000 in
      Canadian economy -- it wins2. You get a professional job
      and pay $25,000 taxes every year -- it wins.3. You get a
      labor job to feed yourself, you supplied cheap labor and you
      and your kids relieve the aging of population -- it
      winsHowever, to immigrants, that is unfair and immoral.
      • 同意, 上DAYCARE一个月要1000, 要是有两个小孩就养不起了.
        • 这么贵? 300一个月也行啊,一个女人带4个孩子.
          • 没收入的可以免费. 收入高的就要交很多钱了.
          • 这样的单身母亲在加拿大是最好也不过了. 不用工作也拿钱.
    • 我怎么觉得还是这里的人更能生呢? 我们的同事要么不结婚,结婚顾家的都是3,4个孩子,我怎么很少看见有独生子女或两人世界呢?
      • 孩子多了补助多
        • ??? The Canadian government do not give a penny if you can feed your children on your income. The American government, on the other hand, gives more. That's why they have a larger population, I bet.
          • 但是孩子多的可是退税多多哦,好象是,据我们同事说,没研究过
            • 我刚添完税表, 曾认真研究过, 没发现报税时有任何优惠. 我太笨?