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请问税表里的 Canandian residency change in 2001一项Date of entry是否必须填 谢谢

我是去年年中登陆的,用Quick Tax报税时有一项
Canandian residency change in 2001
如果填了Date of entry, Refund立刻就少了好多.

Date of Entry or Departure from Canada
Enter the date or dates during 2001 that you either departed or entered Canada. If you entered or departed from Canada during the year, you may be required to include in your income for the year income earned outside of Canada. In addition, your claim for certain non-refundable tax credits may have to be pro-rated for the number of days you resided in Canada.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 请问税表里的 Canandian residency change in 2001一项Date of entry是否必须填 谢谢
    我是去年年中登陆的,用Quick Tax报税时有一项
    Canandian residency change in 2001
    如果填了Date of entry, Refund立刻就少了好多.

    Date of Entry or Departure from Canada
    Enter the date or dates during 2001 that you either departed or entered Canada. If you entered or departed from Canada during the year, you may be required to include in your income for the year income earned outside of Canada. In addition, your claim for certain non-refundable tax credits may have to be pro-rated for the number of days you resided in Canada.

    • 建议你去官方网站下载T4055-01e.pdf, newcomers to Canada 2001.
    • 你要填上。
      • 谢谢大家.但填上退的税立刻少了将近一半.我怎么听说新移民第一年基本不交税吗?有点糊涂了.
        • 你要填。因为你是去年年中来的,那么每个人七千多的免税额就相应的减少一半,应该按天计算。所以你的退税自然会减少。
          • 这么说如果出差离开加拿大,也要申报天数了? 请教大家怎么在quick tax软件里能反映出我用了太太的额度呢?
            • 1.出差几天估计不必申报。2、联邦schedule 1表303行得出前计算部分体现
              • Thanks a lot
        • That's pretty clear. You only pay tax for the income after your landing. So you can only claim deduction for those days after landing. I think it's pretty fair.
          • 我是去年八月去温哥华的,只呆了二个星期就回国了,今年一月才来多伦多,我在温哥华是住在一个旅馆里,请问我要报税吗?如果要报我的税表是寄去哪里呢?谢谢!!
            • 我也是类似状况,盼回复!谢谢!
              • no
            • You can file a GST/HST rebate for tourist
              • 太感谢了,我今年不报可以吗,会有什么影响吗?困为我去年已经开了银行帐户和办了信用卡.
                • You don't have to file, but the rebate will expire within 360 days
                  • Thank you so much, slimpiggy. I didn't spend a lot in Van. I will not file. Have a nice day!
              • Does everyone have GST rebate? I think I have missed it when I filed my tax return. I have already sent my tax return out two weeks ago. Is there anyway that I can change it if necessary? Thanks
                • I think I replied that question when you asked the first time, do a T1ADJ
                  • 什么是GST rebate?填表的时候要填吗?