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You go there, pick up the best seat in your mind. The waitress will come over to you asking you to buy your drink.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Normally a beer or a gin-and-tonic will cost you about 6-7 bucks.

(Tip: if you are alone and you leave your desk with the bottle on the table for a while. After you come back you may notice that the bottle is gone and the waitress is coming again for your next drink. This is way they're making the business. Don't complain, just follow it. )

Don't forget to tip the waitress when she bings your change back. $1 each time is enough.

Then you just sit down and enjoy the show.

The dancers usually will dance in turns on the stage. Also the dancers will walk around, talk to the customers and try to convince them to hava a provate VIP dance (at about an extra $20 each dance, remember it's ono-on-one with you.)

Most of the time the dancer is fruitless after she has talked with a lot of customers. If you don't think you're into it, just say NO or Not this time. They won't bother you (they don't have time to stick on you)

The rule is STRICTLY NOT TO TOUCH THE DANCER AT ANY TIME. Other wise you may be thrown out.

They open mostly from the afternoon till 1-2am in the midnight.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 哪位大侠能介绍一家多伦多的脱衣舞厅(在scarborough最好),没别的意思,只是想欣赏一下这种艺术,由于以前从没看过,能再介绍一下过程,时间,价格和注意事项吗,谢谢。
    • 注 意 事 项 1, 记 到 起 带 身 份 证 , 免 得 保 安 叔 叔 以 为 你 鼻 流 口 水 冒 充 老 鬼 。
      • 牙齿焦黄冒充内行
    • Egg,该你了
      • 对啊!欢迎EGG出场解说!
    • 你 这 么 扭 捏 , 看 脱 衣 舞 还 能 有 什 么 别 的 意 思 ?
    • 耳塞,墨镜,手铐。 嘻嘻。
      • 不 一 定 要 带 “嘻嘻”
    • Thanks, but nobody know where is the kind of dance hall?Give me some dirction.Thanks again.
      • 就在我们家旁边有一家:warden/danforth rd.没敢进去过,好象是一楼是女的跳,二楼是男的跳。原来不知道是干吗的,后来晚上看见彪型大汉站门口才知道。我想可能进门不要钱,买饮料付钱。
        • 咦,我怎么不知道?
    • I heard that the best one is five minutes drive to niagra fall, one saudi prince once visit there ....
    • 呵呵,我怎么觉得中国人到了加拿大都是急后后的去看脱衣舞了 :PP
      • 好奇之心,人皆有之。都怪国内太封闭,我们也没有必要给爱看的人贴上什么标签。到是我们自己应重新审视一下自己多年形成的陈腐观念,其实,这种观赏需求很正常。另外,如没有人看的话,要有多少人失业?
        • 想起那时候在美国一个丑化中国人的动画片“香蕉人”,里面就有一点就是喜欢看脱衣舞。每回想到这个就心里不是滋味:-(
          • 你也要去看?:O
            • 难道就你不看?:O
              • 对。和尚看得你也看得!
              • 9494,不信他不会好奇的去看。:D
                • 不是好奇,是去体会不同的文化习俗,:D
                  • 好,由艺术上升到文化高度了。强烈建议你去荷兰看看,那儿的文化才。。。:P
                    • 其实这东西看多了也腻,还是放弃
        • 谁说国内没有?当然有,“见识”过一次,用两个词形容:滑稽、恶心。几个不知道哪儿的农村丫头。其实真正的脱衣舞是一种艺术,也是欣赏美。没有什么见不得人的。不过把它低水平庸俗化,就另说了。
          • 举个屁,脱衣舞也是艺术?全世界没有哪个脱衣舞厅说自己是艺术场馆的,完全是给自己贴金,想看没人拦你。那不过是人家谋生的手段把了。国内也有好的,不过全是非法而已。
            • 哈哈,泰国的人妖表演是艺术,场面壮观灯火辉煌人妖美丽(只要不说话)。另一种“成人秀”就不敢恭维了,比起吧台桌上舞与加拿大钢管舞有过之无不及。看过后你会觉得加拿大TD小菜一碟。:)
              • 你们好残酷!一般人妖寿命较短(30左右),我一想到这些卖笑的苦命人再过几年就要死就会为他们难过。所以去了两次泰国,一次人妖表演都未去看,属不忍心。
                • 选择做人妖是他们的权利有些甚至是愿望,长得不好看与没钱未必做得了手术,能登台表演的已是幸运了。不过她们真的很美。
            • 称为艺术场所的有的是:红磨坊、蓝磨坊
              • 是啊。记得几年前,在法国,每年新年的压轴节目就是红磨坊的舞蹈。
            • 据说在加拿大脱衣舞女也属技术移民。
          • 汉城的Wallker Hill 山庄的很好,但据说还比不上巴黎红磨坊
            • 当然比不上,和人家学的!当然,价钱也比不上,红磨坊太贵,去巴黎时候没敢进去,另一个原因是没找到英文说明
        • 其实,这 种成人show国外多的很,在澳洲是进门交钱,酒水免费。水平方面可能有不少差别。:D至于这算不算艺术,是个人观点吧。俺就见过跳得很好的,够的上专业水平,和舞者身上有没有衣服关系不甚密切。:P
          • 难道你也进去了,你可爱的LG同意了吗:D
            • 惊爆内幕,我们是一块儿去的。。别告诉别人啊。。。:P
              • 没问题,可这封口费如何解决....:-)
                • 封口?最好的办法就是灭口
    • where is it ? I also want to know... :)
    • 有什么好看的找个网站看把,还省点钱。
      • 跟看球一样,现场气氛很重要!
    • 要看脱衣舞还要去泰国,各种风格的,你能想到的他都有,你想不到的他也有.那里也确实有非常好的,真的是种艺术享受.表演的姑娘只可以用两个字来形容:完美.光听我说不过瘾,有机会一定要自己去看.
      • 不是姑娘是人妖。
        • 泰国的姑娘也很多,澳门的“八国联军”也很好看。:)
          • 轻舟DX,你好牛,走了不少场子嘛:P
            • 她经常赶场。
              • 难怪叫轻舟,原来是移动方便,赶场容易:D
                • “喀嚓,喀嚓”剪烂口袋,剁碎人参果。
    • 同去同去!!
    • 我预测有关脱衣舞的话题能进热点,我来加把柴先。
      • 关键人物还没有登场。记得当时的帖子说两位都是留着口水回来的
        • 哈拉滋................
    • 11
    • Queensway & Islington...Ask the direction to BLUE JAY, very nice strip show, no entry ticket
    • Thank again, But please give some detail information about nude dance. Such as price, start time and where is better nude dance hall.
      • There is NO entrance fee for any strip tease show. You can just walk in and buy a cup of beer or drink. Check Sun newpaper or XingDao newspaper
        you can find lots of places including strip-tease girls from asians(love asians more than white)..maybe some of them are from china.
      • If I didnt remember wrong..5 bucks or less for a bottle of beer, 50 bucks for her dancing on the table right in front of you.100 bucks for personal dancing in a private room
        • 请问buck是什么东西?
          • dollar
      • Mr. egg and wjiang, please come in. Give me some advice.
    • All DX(s), Please say something, don't be shy.... How about the price, any suggestion
      • You go there, pick up the best seat in your mind. The waitress will come over to you asking you to buy your drink.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Normally a beer or a gin-and-tonic will cost you about 6-7 bucks.

        (Tip: if you are alone and you leave your desk with the bottle on the table for a while. After you come back you may notice that the bottle is gone and the waitress is coming again for your next drink. This is way they're making the business. Don't complain, just follow it. )

        Don't forget to tip the waitress when she bings your change back. $1 each time is enough.

        Then you just sit down and enjoy the show.

        The dancers usually will dance in turns on the stage. Also the dancers will walk around, talk to the customers and try to convince them to hava a provate VIP dance (at about an extra $20 each dance, remember it's ono-on-one with you.)

        Most of the time the dancer is fruitless after she has talked with a lot of customers. If you don't think you're into it, just say NO or Not this time. They won't bother you (they don't have time to stick on you)

        The rule is STRICTLY NOT TO TOUCH THE DANCER AT ANY TIME. Other wise you may be thrown out.

        They open mostly from the afternoon till 1-2am in the midnight.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • I really like baden(Booster). I hope we can meet there and enjoy the art together. :-D
      • don't be shy, 你就直接问egg and wjiang就得了,他们两个据说趟遍多伦多得大小脱衣舞厅
      • Bloor & Young 附近,自己转去。
      • 另,Downtown Toyota, ( Queen West) 对面有一家。
    • 甭说欣赏艺术, 就说欣赏女人。
      • 好说法.
      • 嘻嘻,无边性趣遮不住,枝枝红杏出墙来。
        • 不是墙是裙。
      • 不会欣赏女人的男人不是真正的男人!
    • If you are really curious, check newspapers and go. Or check "adult entertainment" of yellow page in your phone directory.
    • YONGE上面有2家,我去过,但是实在很一般,说实话,我认为还没有武汉的脱衣服的水平高,真的。这里的洋妞象完成任务一样,反正在规定时间内脱完。我在武汉看过真的是比较艺术的脱衣舞,这里我是不抱希望了。
      • 在武汉HOLIDAY INN ?
    • 非常感谢各位。几个问题:1 什么时间去舞厅比较好? 2 欣赏舞蹈有时间限制吗?一个小时还是可以一直看到舞厅关门?3 付20块钱dancer可以单独表演,时间是多长?
      4.是不是坐在最前面比较好?5 舞蹈表演是持续进行还是表演一段休息一会再表演?
      • 1. weekend 2. no 3. about a song or so 4. it's up to you 5. continuously
        • Thanks a lot.
      • $20 per song.
    • 周末晚上7-8点钟去舞厅是不是太早了,什么时间最好?谢谢。
      • depends on what do you want to do there.
        If you are shy but want to have a couple of round w/ the mistresses alone, find a time where there're less customers. If just want to watch and feel the atomsphere, 7-8 is a bit early, yes.
    • North York 哪里有?多谢!
      • on finch west, beween dufferin&keele, there are two
    • 进门不付钱, 一瓶啤酒大概¥4。 ¥5可以玩一晚(慢慢喝)。如果小姐请你到小房单独跳, ¥20 一曲。胆子大一点, 和她聊聊, 可以提高口语能力。
      • "一瓶啤酒大概¥4。 ¥5可以玩一晚(慢慢喝)。"有点困惑,既然啤酒¥4 而¥5可以玩一晚,多出来的¥1是什么?小费吗?不好意思,的确第一次啊。谢谢。
        • 你这儿也还真罗嗦。有贼心没贼胆。我看就是让人带你去你也不敢去。
    • 这末热闹, VANCOUVER有吗?
      • 当然有,多得是。
    • 哪位大侠给介绍一家水平高的舞厅啊,多谢了。
      • there is one on Jane/Hyw 7. all girls are from east europe and around 19-20 years old.
    • most of the strip club have no entry fee before 7:00pm, after will be $3.00. The drinks are from $4-$6. table dance are $10-$20.
    • Scarborough哪里有?多谢!
      • Sheperd, east of Mcwan, "East Tony"
        • Thank you !