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are you sure we're talking about the same thing? Why not search MLS and let the fact speak for itself?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Your serial was one of my favourite articles in this forum. However, I just figured out that you are too biased in giving opinions for purchasing and this is really annoying sometimes, just as what you've done in another topic.

It's OK that you have your own preference, and stick to it since you've bought the house. However, you have no right to undervalue other people's choices when you can't convince them with yours, in such a "frank" way.

Back to the issue of yonge/16th, I've been in this community for more than 2 years. I believe I know it much better than some biased outsider.

"townhouse 24万算贵吗", I believe you're talking about two bedroom THs with 1200sq. Several homes with 3 br and 1500-1800 sq were sold over 300K quiet easily this summer. It's not "算贵" compare to the new freehold THs in the neighbourhood which are normally in 330-340ks of course, but I guess even the single detached houses in your neighbourhood can't reach that price with the same size.

"旁边就是大工厂(好象是水泥厂)," not sure, I never seen it.
"街上都是垃圾. 每人的driveway上都有几个车", never seen it, when did you come over and find this? FYI, the driveway is designated for one car only, and can only hold one.
"离铁路近在咫尺", true, but most properties along yonge street in richmond hill are like that, and they didn't sell less because of that. Besides, there is a ravine and park in between the houses and the railway. Depend on how you look at it, the selling point for condos and THs is "convenient, close to everything", which is different from a single house's. This location fits this need perfectly. The impact of few trains per day is minor compare to all other convenience.

All of all, over 80% residents in this complex are caucasians, the nieghbour you prefer the most. My neighbour across the street is a lawyer. Why do you think they buy and hold here if it's such a messy community?

BTW, another point in your statement is not true either. Not only Chinese likes to buy newer houses. Local people are the main force for home purchasing, not we chinese at all. And this trend becomes more and more obvious since most families are becoming double incomed now. They can't afford the time and energy to look after older houses. If you go check the sales offices outside of scarborough and markham, you'll know what I said is true.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 请问是买Condo好?还是买house 好? Thx
    • House, because most real estate brokers are living in houses
    • 这可不好说,各有利弊,看你自己喜欢啥,以及买房的目的是什么了。
    • Condo. almost worry free
      • I agree, at least it is safe
        • 感觉condo不比house更安全。
          • 怎么会呢?住condo的人多,一般都是security access,再就是楼房,不好爬。:P
            • 很多人出租condo, 总换人的
              • 很多人出租house, 总换人的. :P
                • house你买的时候就能发现邻居是不是出租,不喜欢这样的邻居你可以选择不买;condo你怎么发现?
            • 正因为住的人多,所以才不安全。而house来来去去就那么些人,住1个月都应该认识了。
              • 9494,I am living in a house. I can leave my garage open and without worry about someone getting in and steal my goods, like bikes, mower. Can you leave your bikes on the hall way in a condo?
    • 折中,townhouse。
      • 结合双方缺点?
      • what is the advantage of the townhouse?
        • 比apartment大,管理费比apartment便宜,又不用象house那样花心思打理。
    • 以同等价钱来看,CONDO买的是交通方便(一般在地铁线附近),和省心(不必操心屋顶墙皮或是下水管). HOUSE买的是宽敞(房间多而且大,还有前后院),安静(左邻右舍再怎么敲墙,你家都听不到)
      • 但是house 不安全,有人会爬进来。。。。。
        • 我是绝对不买house, 很害怕阿。。。。并且要做好多卫生的。。。。请问有人知道是否有新盖的condo or townhouse close to 好的小学和中学
          • 不清楚哪里的学校好,但目前NORTH YORK的CONDO铺天盖地的,都是刚刚建成,或正在兴建的.而且都是紧挨着YONGE街..
            • 靠着Yonge不一定就是好. 比如Richmond Hill, Yonge & 16 街东北就不怎么样. 房价很低.
              • Are you sure you didn't make any typo? Condo townhouse there is even more expensive than your house.
                Some properties in this neighbourhood are considered cheaper only because of their age, not the location. And they're "cheaper" only compare to the newer properties in the same neighbourhood, not other locations.
                • townhouse 24万算贵吗. 一开进去, 旁边就是大工厂(好象是水泥厂), 街上都是垃圾. 每人的driveway上都有几个车. 再一看, 离铁路近在咫尺.
                  • are you sure we're talking about the same thing? Why not search MLS and let the fact speak for itself?
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Your serial was one of my favourite articles in this forum. However, I just figured out that you are too biased in giving opinions for purchasing and this is really annoying sometimes, just as what you've done in another topic.

                    It's OK that you have your own preference, and stick to it since you've bought the house. However, you have no right to undervalue other people's choices when you can't convince them with yours, in such a "frank" way.

                    Back to the issue of yonge/16th, I've been in this community for more than 2 years. I believe I know it much better than some biased outsider.

                    "townhouse 24万算贵吗", I believe you're talking about two bedroom THs with 1200sq. Several homes with 3 br and 1500-1800 sq were sold over 300K quiet easily this summer. It's not "算贵" compare to the new freehold THs in the neighbourhood which are normally in 330-340ks of course, but I guess even the single detached houses in your neighbourhood can't reach that price with the same size.

                    "旁边就是大工厂(好象是水泥厂)," not sure, I never seen it.
                    "街上都是垃圾. 每人的driveway上都有几个车", never seen it, when did you come over and find this? FYI, the driveway is designated for one car only, and can only hold one.
                    "离铁路近在咫尺", true, but most properties along yonge street in richmond hill are like that, and they didn't sell less because of that. Besides, there is a ravine and park in between the houses and the railway. Depend on how you look at it, the selling point for condos and THs is "convenient, close to everything", which is different from a single house's. This location fits this need perfectly. The impact of few trains per day is minor compare to all other convenience.

                    All of all, over 80% residents in this complex are caucasians, the nieghbour you prefer the most. My neighbour across the street is a lawyer. Why do you think they buy and hold here if it's such a messy community?

                    BTW, another point in your statement is not true either. Not only Chinese likes to buy newer houses. Local people are the main force for home purchasing, not we chinese at all. And this trend becomes more and more obvious since most families are becoming double incomed now. They can't afford the time and energy to look after older houses. If you go check the sales offices outside of scarborough and markham, you'll know what I said is true.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • apartment一样可以爬。house有邻居守望相助,绝对比apartment安全。
          • 现在住了house,习惯了,觉得比较喜欢,安静。
        • 除非你买管理良好的condo, 不然车不安全.
      • 好象很多人关心的是安全问题,难道加拿大安全问题这么严重啊?我倒觉得安全不安全和CONDO还是HOUSE没有关系,主要因素是LOCATION.
        • 嘻嘻,习惯性思维吧。。。
    • If you win $1 million lottory, which one do you want to buy, condo or house?
      • Condo, you pay somebody to do some dirty job.
      • BTW, $1 million is not enought to buy some of the luxry condos.
    • 考虑这些因素


      • Can not agree more, I got same point as you. 楼主just go for house if you have enough money.
        • you goe the wrong result: 楼主just go for CONDO if you have enough money.
          • ? ? ?
            惭愧ing,我的E语不灵,汉语也越来越不利索了,总也表达不清楚,呵呵。直说吧,house, condo apartment我都喜欢,但是不喜欢townhouse, not matter free hold town house or condo townhouse.
      • 按照你的理论, 最好是去租condo. 还可以享受不同condo的不同风格.
        所谓的享受, 一张社区中心的年票搞掂. 何必每月付巨额管理费.


        house的那些吓死你的活, 也可以找外包公司. 有那么两三个月的condo管理费, 一年就全齐了. 同理, 也不应该买有管理费的townhouse. 这也是目前市场上freehold的townhouse越来越多的原因.

        人的心理就是怕小刀割肉. 把所有的帐单合在一起, 只付一次, 付多了也以为自己没付多少. 反之, 10元10元地付小帐, 付100次也才1000元, 可是心痛100次.
        • Are you a sales agent? 你讲的大道理和我见过的一位卖房代理说的怎么一模一样啊,哈哈!
      • That's it: CONDO是为了享受(安全,游泳,健身等),不是为了保值。HOUSE是为了受罪(考虑修房,打扫,出租,不安全等),但可以保值。
    • 还有一个因素要考虑的,就是家庭人口的多少了,如果是三代同堂的,恐怕也不必考虑CONDO了.新的CONDO普遍房间小,要不就超贵.还有一个问题就是隔三差五的来个FALSE ALARM,老人小孩爬起楼梯来,就该羡慕住HOUSE的了..
      • it's true.
    • 一直有一事不明白,到底Condo的管理费要多少钱,包括那些服务?
      • 一般CONDO FEE 4-600的比较多,包水电. 好几十万百万的就不清楚了,怎么也得上千吧.
    • 民工建议20041021:找个比较NICE的地产经纪,让他带你看CONDO TOWNHOUSE,HOUSE 各5套,你要还不知道自己要什么房子,就 断了这个心吧。