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I thought there is such a dept in Embridge that do the service; looks like these are the cheaters too. Some of my colleagues was scared by them. I got suspious only because the way they make

the call. They always say directly "we are in your area doing the checking. When are you at home on XXXX?" Nobody do this in Canada: first of all, they don't even ask IF I'd like to do it. Of course they always said it required by law. When I asked them to send me such a law first, then I (not them) should initiate the conversation. Nobody should ever ORDER us to do something.
But the first visit was really an Embridge guy. After the cleaning, he gave me a contract and info package. The contract is for 1, or 2, or 3 years of service(the cleaning). Of course, it went into the blue box directly. I learnt how to do the cleaning anyway(just vaccum the fan chamber(very easy), and cleaning the fan(not so easy, need to take it off; it's ok to not clean it at all.) ).

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 请教关于用气安全检查
    刚刚enbridge打电话来说要派人来做个安全检查, 说是规定要做的。我想那就做吧, 但是他们让我准备好支票, 交给来检查的技术员 --- 个人感觉有些不妥, 为什么不是寄账单呢?

    不知各位有没有类似经验, 这会不会是个骗局啊?

    • 一定要小心啊。印象中应该是免费的,因为ENBRIDGE是非盈利机构,可以打电话到ENBRIDGE去问问。听说骗子假装公共服务人员入屋抢劫的。
      • ENBRIDGE是非盈利机构? Then why do they make the call? Just forget the call. I bought a new house. The first year the check is free(warranty of the furnance). All the work the service guy from
        Enbridge did is some cleaning, nothing else (there's nothing need to be checked if it works fine anyway). From the second year on, they called saying the samething. Each time I just warn them to not call me again.
        If they really do some "checking", that may be useful. Discussed with my friends, none of the service guys did any checking (looks like there's nothing to check), just cleaning.
        • Thanks for the information!
      • 多谢提醒! 打了电话给enbrige, 结果吓一跳, 后来又好气又好笑。。。 故事如下
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛enbridge说他们没有此项服务, 也没听说哪里“规定”要做什么检查。 那位接电话的大姐很热心, 帮我转去direct energy center home service, 说他们会对这方面的业务熟悉一些。

        DECHS 一查, 根本没有我这号客户; 而且除非客户要求,他们也不会“规定”客户做任何维护或检查。 这下我吓死了, 那不是十有八九遇到骗子了吗? 会入屋行劫吗? 就问那个接线生怎么办, 要不要报警 。(有点没用吧? 但是我可是一个人在家, 我们这区又很静。。。) 这位大姐好象愣了下, (我的心理作用?) 然后说找个朋友到家里来就好了, 或者查一下来人的ID; 我嘟哝说本人又不认识那ID 是真是假; 她最后建议我躲起来不要开门就好。

        好主意, 但是我总觉得窝囊, 在自己家还要躲躲藏藏的。 而且来人如果破门而入怎么办? (好莱坞片子看多了,想象力丰富) 於是一电话打去警察局。 又是一位大姐 (最近女士很好找工噢?), 真专业, 马上判断说多半是某个不诚实的公司强迫推销。 她也建议我先不要应门, 观察来人的车子是否有公司标志, 若否,则坚决不要开门; 来人强行闯入时, 再报警不迟。

        那么我就摸摸鼻子当缩头乌龟咯, 心想呸, 这么恶劣的推销术, 还没机会骂人, 闷死了。 结果怎么着? 来人的车子果然就是一普通房车, 没有任何公司标志。 本人谨记警察jj教诲, 坚决不开门。好在那人也没有做什么过分的事。。。

        事情就这样结束的话, 我对来人多少有点内疚, 毕竟他们昨天打电话时, 我很爽快的让人来了(因为他们声称这检查是一定要做的), 今天又这样, 好象有点涮人家。 但是且慢, 过一阵子电话响了, 竟然是他们打来complain的, 说为什么没人在家。

        我说, 是啊, 我临时有事, 打电话到你们公司公司通知你们, 但是公司说没有这回事啊 (心想, 你不是自称enbridge吗? 再掰啊); 这人竟然螺丝都不打, 说, 不关enbridge事, 他们供气, 我们做服务。 我就问, 那你们是哪家? 我怎么不记得有同谁要过什么服务呢? 你给个名字我查查好不好? 这人绕弯子, 说煤气管道的清洁是很重要的 --- 等等, 昨天不是说安全检查吗? 今天变清洁了?--- 我不想同他多说, 就说我们的房子还很新, 暂时不用清洁。 而且他们的做法我不敢苟同, 为什么要说是“request" 的, 弄得我还以为政府有什么规定。。。

        这人居然不耐烦了说, 没人规定, 那你可以永远不清洁。

        这下我真火了, 嚷起来, 那是我的选择! 而且如果我觉得需要, 我自己会找”别的“公司! 谢谢你, 就这样了。

        可气吧? 如果不是他们打电话让准备支票, 而是这人上门来做好事情再要钱, 我一定乖乖写支票。

        写出来希望对大家有帮助, 下次碰到这种事, 不要跟我一样傻乎乎。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • I thought there is such a dept in Embridge that do the service; looks like these are the cheaters too. Some of my colleagues was scared by them. I got suspious only because the way they make
          the call. They always say directly "we are in your area doing the checking. When are you at home on XXXX?" Nobody do this in Canada: first of all, they don't even ask IF I'd like to do it. Of course they always said it required by law. When I asked them to send me such a law first, then I (not them) should initiate the conversation. Nobody should ever ORDER us to do something.
          But the first visit was really an Embridge guy. After the cleaning, he gave me a contract and info package. The contract is for 1, or 2, or 3 years of service(the cleaning). Of course, it went into the blue box directly. I learnt how to do the cleaning anyway(just vaccum the fan chamber(very easy), and cleaning the fan(not so easy, need to take it off; it's ok to not clean it at all.) ).
          • It is good to know these. Thank you.