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I met my agent last night in the concert. she told me( I am in school, can only type english)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. you can't compare that house with mine because they are in the different area. you should ask your agent. she/he should tell you the house price in that area. (show you on the paper, they can get it somewhere, i got that when we were looking for the house)
2. If the house near a park, the price should be higher than the other houses in the same area which are not near the park.
3.If the house near a high way or busy way, the price should be cut down thousands dollors.
4. You should get in the house and look inside, everything inside the house. How the house is decorated, what is the condition of the stove, ....heat is very important too.
5. If you like the school near your house and plan to put your kids in the school in the future, it would be greatful. But if you dont plan to put your kids in the school, consider if your front yard faces the school entrance, if yes, that is not very good, because there are many cars parking in front of your front yard in the morning and afternoon and it will be noise. This depend on if you care about it.
my family room and master room face the west side, it is not so bad. as I told you on saturday, we go to bed very late so it is not so hot. but the family room( my daughter watch TV there after dinner) is hot, that is for sure. We don't have dinner in the family room. we have dinner in the kitchen, the kitchen faces east, so it is ok.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 房子还价一般能还下多少钱?
    • 我还了15k。你让agent查查房子的历史纪录,以及周围地区最近的售价,心里就有数了。
    • 有人能还下20K,有人只能还1K,还有人要再加nK才行。
      • 讲讲其中奥秘
        • 没什么奥秘,供求关系决定的。
    • 谢谢。看中一个bungalow,可是主卧室,厨房,family room都朝西,会不会很热啊。
      • 哎吆, 要置业啦
      • 你不是在calgary吗?怕什么热啊+
        • TA在edmonton. 大日头没遮没拦地晒, 大概搁哪都热
          • 她!!!!!
        • 我现在住的公寓就是西晒,很热,窗户上全都让我糊上锡纸了。晚上不小心看到锡纸,总觉得外面下雪了。:(
      • 人在家里的主要活动空间就这么几个地方,如果都向西,夏天六、七点钟通常会很热。但还要看有没有树等等。反正现在天热,不妨跟经纪人说,要求傍晚时去看房,亲身体会一下。
        • 请问如果我对现在的经纪不满意,可不可以换一个经纪。有没有什么限制?多谢!!
          • 买房时,很多人同时找两三个经纪人。如果你和某个经纪签了什么协议,就应该遵守协议。
          • 不要和任何经纪人签订协议。
        • 你说的对,关键family room, 厨房朝西,大片的玻璃(得贴多少锡纸阿)我想晚饭都不会有胃口吃。我还是再多看几家。我就是特别喜欢这个房子的location。而且据说一年中这个季节房价还比较高。
          • 平房通常比较老,如果附近有大树,能够遮挡屋顶,窗户向西可能也没关系。还是进去试试为好。
            • 院子里没有树,一大片deck,稍微远点,院子头上有树,不知道是不是能挡住。巨大的detached garage斩掉院子的1/2(这一点我也不十分满意),应该也可以当掉部分西晒。谢谢。我在想想。
              • 什么学校?大学和中学周围经常占很多年轻人,不知道算好算坏。小学就无所谓了,好像只有好处。
              • I met my agent last night in the concert. she told me( I am in school, can only type english)
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. you can't compare that house with mine because they are in the different area. you should ask your agent. she/he should tell you the house price in that area. (show you on the paper, they can get it somewhere, i got that when we were looking for the house)
                2. If the house near a park, the price should be higher than the other houses in the same area which are not near the park.
                3.If the house near a high way or busy way, the price should be cut down thousands dollors.
                4. You should get in the house and look inside, everything inside the house. How the house is decorated, what is the condition of the stove, ....heat is very important too.
                5. If you like the school near your house and plan to put your kids in the school in the future, it would be greatful. But if you dont plan to put your kids in the school, consider if your front yard faces the school entrance, if yes, that is not very good, because there are many cars parking in front of your front yard in the morning and afternoon and it will be noise. This depend on if you care about it.
                my family room and master room face the west side, it is not so bad. as I told you on saturday, we go to bed very late so it is not so hot. but the family room( my daughter watch TV there after dinner) is hot, that is for sure. We don't have dinner in the family room. we have dinner in the kitchen, the kitchen faces east, so it is ok.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net