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The Most Beautiful Lakes in the World,四月去过一半吗?

We’d love to take a deep dive into some of these captivating bodies of water.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / The Most Beautiful Lakes in the World,四月去过一半吗? +1
    We’d love to take a deep dive into some of these captivating bodies of water.
    • 惭愧,连西湖都没去过。日月潭是有意跳过。
      • A tip: 去西湖,一定要在大清早或者黄昏之后。
        • 会滴,如果去杭州,一定住西湖边上
    • 加拿大🇨🇦大大小小的湖有的是。大同小异。
      • 原文是以赞加拿大为主题
        • 其实新疆西藏的湖光山色最美,啥啥瑞士真比不了。 +1