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为了国家的利益,一小撮富人在挣被动收入时,需要付更多的税:For the good of the country, rich Canadians need to pay higher taxes on passive income

A tiny slice of the Canadian population was touched by the recent capital gains change. Far more must be done to tax the rich.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 为了国家的利益,一小撮富人在挣被动收入时,需要付更多的税:For the good of the country, rich Canadians need to pay higher taxes on passive income
    A tiny slice of the Canadian population was touched by the recent capital gains change. Far more must be done to tax the rich.
    • 不用担心。这个方案从提出到现在也没有实施细则。可见反弹压力很大。也从一个侧面反映了我们的国家到底是民主还是钱主。
    • 文中说只有0.13%的加拿大人受到capital gain征税比例提高的影响。应该是指每年有0.13%的人受到影响。实施后受到影响的加拿大人比例,我认为要远高于这个数。目前为止我问到的人里,对这个新政持反对态度的占60-70%