’TRUCE TENT AND FIGHTING FRONT‘的部分章节。现在不妨重温一下。其第13章描述了在1952年10月里发生的战斗 : The Battle for White Horse, Jackson Heights, Operation SHOWDOWN。
The situation at this juncture(17 October) found Colonel Russ with three battalions atop Triangle Hill. His own 1st Battalion was on Hill 598; the 2d Battalion of 31st Regiment was on the left arm facing Pike's Peak; and the 2d Battalion of 17th Regiment occupied Jane Russell Hill. The Chinese still held the well-fortified Pike's Peak positions.
--- 美军取得了第一阶段胜利。(31st Regiment就是中方宣传的被’全歼‘的北极熊团。事实上被’全歼‘的是一个团级混编作战队,有一个来自31团的美军营,一个来自32团的美军营,少许炮兵,和750名韩军)
On 25 October,the ROK 2d Division relieved the 7th Divsion , the Chinese still held Pike's Peak.
--- 韩军进驻了美军的阵地,美军撤离。
On 30 October three Chinese battalions swept the ROK defenders from the crest of Hill 598 and on 1 November the enemy seized Jane Russell Hill after an attack in force. Thus, after six weeks of hard fighting, the UNC forces controlled a portion of Sniper Ridge and none of Triangle Hill.
--- 韩军丢失了上甘岭。
综上所述,韩方守住了白马山,中方失而复得上甘岭,也就是个平局,不会造成战线向北移。有可能就像Hermes说的,’battlefront coverage has been selective.‘ 可能在其他地区发生了一些别的战斗。但很难想象他会漏掉造成战线向北移动的主要战斗。另一种可能性是‘朝鲜战争过程地图’只记录了美军的第一阶段胜利(占领了大部分上甘岭),但遗漏了中方夺回上甘岭,这时战线应该向南移动一些。