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Before Mike Harris took office back in the early 90's, There were two major high school trips per year, I went to eastern europe twice, Hungaria, Czech (still don't understand

why eveyone's absolutely stunning in that country)

Yugoslavia, before the war the place was beautiful, Romania, visited the hometown of Dracula,

Also Bonne River, a studnet science camp kind of resort in Ontario, great skip trip and Ken and Barby hunt, got closed down by the harris govt in 1998.

Summer is the off season, people bring a magazine to work, Winter you get burned out very quickly,

I am planning to write a book on tax defense, spending a lot of time on the machine these days. eyes getting pretty bad.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 我有一事相求,我想在开学前到Quebec自助游三天,有没有在哪儿的朋友和去过的朋友给我介绍一下有哪些风景名胜一定要看,有没有干净又便宜一点的旅馆及电话,有什么其他要注意的事吗?多多谢谢!从多去沿途还有什么好地方吗?
    • Quebec City, 13th century european township, very intoxicating, very exotic to city folks, also Civilization Museum of Quebec, I love museums,
      • 瘦猪怎么什么都知道?还天天在网上游荡,上班这么轻松吗?
        • Before Mike Harris took office back in the early 90's, There were two major high school trips per year, I went to eastern europe twice, Hungaria, Czech (still don't understand
          why eveyone's absolutely stunning in that country)

          Yugoslavia, before the war the place was beautiful, Romania, visited the hometown of Dracula,

          Also Bonne River, a studnet science camp kind of resort in Ontario, great skip trip and Ken and Barby hunt, got closed down by the harris govt in 1998.

          Summer is the off season, people bring a magazine to work, Winter you get burned out very quickly,

          I am planning to write a book on tax defense, spending a lot of time on the machine these days. eyes getting pretty bad.
          • If I join your party, could you give me one copy of your book with your signature? :-)
            • Sure Shoe-ar, Shoe-ar, on top of that, you want to buy a thousand copies?
              • hehe, I don't want to buy it, just want one free. I'm poo ar ar.
          • 写不出来就是写不出来嘛,闭门造车,闭门思过都是没有用的,你这叫猪郎才尽,知道吧,与其说面对电脑两眼熬成小白免,不如面对现实,干脆写写Quebec游记呢,英文的都成,嘿嘿,这样总还有一个人会感谢你。
            • 不是寫了嘛? 心血呀那可是
      • 拜托瘦猪哥哥,可不可以多多地,清清楚楚地写,象写说明文那样,而不是写散文,呵呵,你知道这个对我可重要啦,你也不希望我在那儿举目无亲地四处流浪吧,
        • I say you go to Q-city and start walking, it's not a particular spot that attracted me, it was the atmosphere of the town, so medival, so mystic
          I do suggest that you pick up a stack of Postcard, yes, Quebec city post card, then proceeds to those spots, for instance, I bough 20 postcards of Quebec city over the years and I went to everyone of those places in town, the real life scenary is unreal, especially the night scenes, I felt like modern civilization had no impact on that town for the past 150 years or so.

          get a map when you enter the city, it's free, actually you can get a Q-city tourist map in Montreal,
      • 还有,都有些什么Museum,特点,主题,历史沿革,要不干脆找一介绍Quebec的网站或者游记给我,多多多多谢谢!
      • 喂喂,瘦猪起床了,总不能叫我这声哥哥白叫了吧?呵呵。
        • 嘿嘿,告诉你个秘密:瘦猪今年十八。 ^_^
          • 叫哥如同叫“郎”,It has nothing to do with age. ^-^
          • 15
            • 所以说资本主义水深火热, 15岁就要出来打工, 这在俺们伟大的社会主义祖国是绝对不允许的, 坚决打倒资本主义!拯救童工瘦猪!
              • I actually started working at 15, it's not even funny to crack about
    • 我们刚回来,那里很漂亮.
      我们刚回来,那里很漂亮.参加了QUEBEC CITY的音乐焰火晚会,是中国的专场.一开始全场起立奏中国国歌.音乐焰火没治了.我们是自己开车去的, 最兴奋的开始是进入Q省,到路边的MC吃饭,一下发现Q省的MM漂亮极了,在去QUEBEC CITY, 女士高个大眼睛,很智慧的样子,(没有胖的),人人都很注意仪表衣者, 发型一看就知道是认真做过的. 态度说话很温柔好听. 那才是感觉到了西方文明世界.
      在QUEBEC CITY开车, 当地的车很礼貌, 礼让.那象在世家包,转弯稍慢就有人按喇叭.
      • 妞不错, 开车的很差
        • 才15岁就学着大人说话啦,还妞来妞去的。
          • 你真的很可爱,嘴又很甜
            • Don't scare me, 可爱这个字还是我儿童时代才听过的,有求于人的时候当然要咀甜啦。
          • 真正年龄是13
            • 婴儿肥还没掉吧
      • 你们在那儿都看了些什么?住在什么地方,吃些什么,介绍介绍好不好?
    • Quebec old city - a must see. Great walls, castles and building by St. Lawrence River. I did try the French food/dishes there (sea food).
      • 那你在哪一家吃的法国大餐?嘿嘿,主要是经济实力不强,所以总是想问清楚了以免心里没底。还有就是时间紧。
        • 记得在下城的,临河边的法国餐厅吃的午餐,连消费和税,四个人共七十多每人平均二十元。特别推荐涡牛和鹅干。旅途愉快!
        • Sorry, I mistyped it - I didn't try it.