要把干枯枝叶和烂叶去掉以, 放在无直射阳光的通风处, 保持高温 18C 以上用淘米水浇, 表土干透马上浇透.
the begonia family now boasts 900 species and over 10,000 horticultural varieties or cultivars. Their " leaves" come in an astonishing array of colors - including bright olive, rich red, silver, chocolate, vivid pink, tawny orange and almost-white. This would be enough for many people to want to grow them indoors to brighten an otherwise dreary winter, but they have another outstanding attribute as well - they're tough! Growing them is a breeze - just give them an east-facing window or a shaded, west-facing window where the temperatures will not go below 65 degrees. Begonias disdain pampering, preferring to be allowed to go dry rather than be overwatered. (Begonias have been known to revive from a full wilt!)
the begonia family now boasts 900 species and over 10,000 horticultural varieties or cultivars. Their " leaves" come in an astonishing array of colors - including bright olive, rich red, silver, chocolate, vivid pink, tawny orange and almost-white. This would be enough for many people to want to grow them indoors to brighten an otherwise dreary winter, but they have another outstanding attribute as well - they're tough! Growing them is a breeze - just give them an east-facing window or a shaded, west-facing window where the temperatures will not go below 65 degrees. Begonias disdain pampering, preferring to be allowed to go dry rather than be overwatered. (Begonias have been known to revive from a full wilt!)