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Here’s the general rule: you can take photos in a public place or record video on public property without any legal consequences.

That doesn’t always mean you should, but you generally can. You can also photograph or record any place or thing that is visible from a public place, which would include private property as long as you yourself are not trespassing.

There is nothing in our criminal law that makes it illegal to take photos or video in a public place. Other general laws are going to apply. You can’t be a nuisance, and you can’t damage property and you can’t obstruct the police when they are carrying out their duties. You can’t block traffic to get the perfect shot. Short of that, you can generally stand in a public place and take photos of everything and everyone you see.

In fact, you have a Charter right to take photos or record video. The right to freedom of expression protected in section 2(b) of the Charter also protects your right to collect information. Photography and videography are inherently expressive activities and are thus Charter-protected. Any limitation in law on that right would have to be justified under s. 1 of the Charter and any sort of blanket “no photography in public” law would not be justifiable.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 音乐家可能也没想到他那视频会迅速引起全球大量关注,他要去TalkTV做客了,继续说这事,大量留言:我来自香港,我来自台湾,我是英国人。。。。。。应该有更多的‘’我来自大陆,支持你反抗大陆的跋扈‘’。 +1
    The Chinese Video - Worldwide Interest And TalkTV Interview Tonight
    Dr K will be interviewed on the Mike Graham show on TalkTV this evening Mon 22nd, 9.15 pm GMT
    • 其实中国人也没错,不想被filmed错了吗?有告音乐家的可能吗?
      • 不想被拍,不要靠近就行了。没有。在加拿大也不可能。
        • 此广场是他占?试试看能不能告,撒币都撒了,自己的粉丝不能这么被欺负呀lol
          • 不是他占。哪怕同时,你也可以拍。大家都可以拍。
            • 不是大家能不能拍的问题,是能不能不上镜的问题。
              • 说的就是在镜头里。公共地方,是允许的。
                • 你这么确定,肯定有依据,说说看吧
                  • 说的就是在镜头里。公共地方,是允许的。你要是喜欢摄影,这是必修课。哪些能拍,哪些不能拍。哪些拍之后要发表需要被拍摄者书面同意等等。在公共场合拍摄,要求比较高(严)的是亚洲国家,比如日本。
                    • 来几个有价值的links吧,那样我就受教了
                      • 墙外放狗,墙内找娘 +3
                      • Here’s the general rule: you can take photos in a public place or record video on public property without any legal consequences. +1
                        That doesn’t always mean you should, but you generally can. You can also photograph or record any place or thing that is visible from a public place, which would include private property as long as you yourself are not trespassing.

                        There is nothing in our criminal law that makes it illegal to take photos or video in a public place. Other general laws are going to apply. You can’t be a nuisance, and you can’t damage property and you can’t obstruct the police when they are carrying out their duties. You can’t block traffic to get the perfect shot. Short of that, you can generally stand in a public place and take photos of everything and everyone you see.

                        In fact, you have a Charter right to take photos or record video. The right to freedom of expression protected in section 2(b) of the Charter also protects your right to collect information. Photography and videography are inherently expressive activities and are thus Charter-protected. Any limitation in law on that right would have to be justified under s. 1 of the Charter and any sort of blanket “no photography in public” law would not be justifiable.
                        • 谢谢。不好告,但还是有概率。掉分的是手里的丧气幡,全世界看共产主义就是笑话。
      • 没错这事咋这样了呢?音乐家应该没兴趣去film几个举大陆小旗的,他在直播钢琴演奏,不想进镜头就别往里凑。没有可能告,不过我喜欢广大粉红们集资告他,索性一臭到底呗,对大陆人的反感全在那一浪又一浪的评论里了,这解气呀! +1
        • 我不是粉红,但我觉得可告。反正怎么做他们都反感。
          • 我鼓励你捐钱
            • 你鼓励有用吗? +1
              • 那你不是废话吗?你觉得有用吗? +1
                • 我们在论事,你要强迫说到我,不可理喻。
                  • 给你助阵!


                    • 人数不错,就是喜欢认死理,经常碰南墙😂
                      • 他是英语大拿,知道不?
                        • 还能好过那些IB的中学生,七
                          • 肯定好过
                  • 我也是在论事,不是你觉得行吗?你要不去告,就“你觉得”,那不是废话吗?那视频满天飞,几个人的特写到处都是,还被人肉了,他们不是有背景吗?拿大陆纳税人的钱告啊,不差钱的。 +3
                    • 孺子可教,不叫我捐款了😂。我同意外交部用纳税人的钱告,但我说了不算,纯粹吃瓜。
                      • 当然希望赞助一下,真理在实践,牵个头继续搞,总需有人去实践,续集你也能出名哩
                        • 我只是个称职的吃瓜群众,而且是个不认死理的吃瓜群众,你不妨学学我,不亏的😂
                          • 各做各的人吧,就不学你了,我遵循常识的。youtube上几乎99.9%的视频都有背景路人,世界之大,如果你能打开这潘多拉官司之盒,那得多热闹啊!🤣 +1
          • 总可以告。关键是能不能告赢。那就没戏了。
            • 不告如何知道?告,外交部应该牵头告。
              • 多大概率?
                • 不是概率问题,是士可辱,孰不可忍问题
                  • 体育老师教的吧? +1
                    • 不是,是看门那学的
                      •  “是可忍,孰不可忍”,对吗, +2
                        • 不知道啊,学校看门的学位不够?
                          • 吃完馍馍了? +2


              • 升级到外交事件?
                • 要不要使领馆撤离,撤侨? +1
            • 如果音乐家是职业Youtuber,视频上传挣钱,会被视为盈利行为,不管是有意还是无意拍摄到路人,都会牵涉到肖像权问题,一般做法是,要么让入镜的人签署同意书,要么就是打码。如果被告,基本上就是输。
              • 自己凑上去让人拍,然后告人家,这不是碰瓷嘛 +7
              • 他是live stream.怎么打码? 那几个中国人不想入镜头, +4
                完全可以选择走开。开始了一段时间了,站在那都没事,前几秒也算客气,只是咆哮哥提sensitive, security 等,事情立马升级。如果有人在其它地方乱拍一通,恰好把他们拍进去,发在社媒上,也变被告?有钱就清场或请群演!
              • 现在 ,这几个中国人的肖像全网哪儿都是,他们先告谁?都靠他们赚流量呢。51网,肉联、约克都是。难道水手老大要吃官司了?
      • 告吧。不告怎么知道能不能呢?万一告成了呢? +1
        • 真理啊