CCP walk up to a British public piano and call the police to say filming them is not allowed. The fun starts at 9:14Badass Boogie Bundle Pdf's (Boogie Woogie...
Jesus Christ! Has nothing to do with this YouTuber. They should block the whole shooting scene completely if being afraid of any leakage according to so-called any kinds of contracts.
The young Chinese could ask and explain nicely but things just escalated way too fast. These is no privacy in public places.
The YouTuber tried to point the flag. But the young guy twisted his intentions deliberately and yelled : DO NOT TOUCH HER! You are not same age. 他什么意思?Same age 就可以touch?! This shows his stupidity.
Oops, looks like there is an insider emailing this YouTuber and leaking some inside info..👉 Filming illegally without the rail authority permission.One of the lady with makeup maybe a party official’s daughter or wife. Interesting 🤨
Who are you 张宁, 有微博帐号,25万粉丝,参加各种活动的照片。在k博士视频里,他们原来站在远处,然后几个走近k博士理论,而 Who are you 她就直接面对镜头站着,根本没有对镜头的sensitivity ;还有第一个主动approaching 的小妹,在国内小红书带货英国课程之类的,被国内网友看出来,说她割韭菜,她猛删评论。