各位 ET 和 UFO 披露爱好者大家好!您是否知道一年来,我们有一位外星年轻人 Mari Swaruu,每天在她的 Youtube 频道 SWARUU OFICIAL 上制作视频?是的,这是她在地球轨道上的 Taygetan 昴宿星飞船上直接制作和运营的 Youtube 频道!她每天制作视频,一天用西班牙语,然后用英语,主题涵盖从形而上学到技术的各种主题。你可能会持怀疑态度,但帮自己一个忙,看看她分享的内容。我们都想听听外星人的声音,好吧,她来了!我在下面放了她的一个视频,我发现它是最有趣的视频之一,但已经有数百个了。网站是www.swaruu.org,他们发布了所有的文字记录,以及Cosmic Agency频道制作的文字记录,这就是Gosia,他已经和他们直接接触了6年。还有 Za´el 和 Arien,Taygetan Pleiadian 夫妇,他们也直接在船上制作视频。他们的频道称为 Za´el。请记住,这不是渠道!它是尽可能直接的,还没有显示他们的声音或面孔。享受!
Hello all of you ET and UFO disclosure enthusiasts! Did you know that for a year already, we have had an extraterrestrial young person, Mari Swaruu, making videos daily on her Youtube channel SWARUU OFICIAL? Yes, it´s a Youtube channel made and run directly by her from the Taygetan Pleiadian starship in the orbit of the Earth! She makes videos every day, one day in Spanish and then in English, on all sorts of topics, from metaphysics to technical stuff. You may be sceptical but do yourself a favour and just check out what she shares. We have all been wanting to hear from the ET people themselves, well, here she is! I am including one of her videos below which I found to be one of the most interesting ones, but there are hundreds of them already. The website is www.swaruu.org where they publish all the transcripts, and transcripts made by Cosmic Agency channel, and that´s Gosia, who has been in direct contact with them for 6 years. There is also Za´el and Arien, Taygetan Pleiadian couple, who have been making their videos as well directly from the ship. Their channel is called Za´el. Remember, this is not channeled! It is as direct as it can get, without YET showing their voices or faces. Enjoy!