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Empowered Canadians - Carrie Sakamoto
Here, Canadian Carrie Sakamoto, a mother of 3, tells the story of how she was injured by a mandated medical interviention, and essentially abandoned by the s...

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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 加拿大疫苗受害者现身说法 +14
    Empowered Canadians - Carrie Sakamoto
    Here, Canadian Carrie Sakamoto, a mother of 3, tells the story of how she was injured by a mandated medical interviention, and essentially abandoned by the s...
    • +6
      • 疫苗受害者是最惨的人群,政府不搭理,媒体也不搭理,医生也不敢帮。 +7
        • 所以对政府要推的东西一定要留个心眼。 +3
    • 所以就连这个论坛上口头上大力维护疫苗的这次也不打C19疫苗了 +6
      • 你现在要是没发烧,会去吃退烧药么?你们的逻辑总是那么的 covid 后遗,真的没看出来,你和上面那些反疫苗的,是如此的爱好吃药,你,今天吃了么? +3
        • 其实我也不喜欢在这里天天说疫苗的事。爱大打的去打,不想打的不去打。政府虽仍然没放弃强制权,不是现在没强制吗?车到山前必有路。走到那一天再说