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of the 24% who were entirely unvaccinated, 35% of this group had been infected with COVID-19 at some point in the past. Our data indicate that 49.7% of the prison population had experienced a COVID-19 infection at some time.

Background In 2023, breakthrough COVID-19 infections among vaccinated individuals and reinfections in previously infected people have become common. Additionally, infections are due to Omicron subvariants of the virus that behave differently from those at the onset of the pandemic. Understanding how vaccination and natural immunity influence COVID-19 infection rates is crucial, especially in high-density congregate settings such as prisons, to inform public health strategies. Methods We analyzed COVID-19 surveillance data from January to July 2023 across 33 California state prisons, primarily a male population of 96,201 individuals. We computed the incidence rate of new COVID-19 infections among COVID-bivalent-vaccinated and entirely unvaccinated groups (those not having received either the bivalent or monovalent vaccine). Results Our results indicate that the infection rates in the bivalent-vaccinated and entirely unvaccinated groups are 3.24% (95% confidence interval (CI): 3.06-3.42%) and 2.72% (CI: 2.50-2.94%), respectively, with an absolute risk difference of only 0.52%. When the data were filtered for those aged 50 and above, the infection rates were 4.07% (CI: 3.77-4.37%) and 3.1% (CI: 2.46-3.74%), respectively, revealing a mere 0.97% absolute risk difference. Among those aged 65 and above, the infection rates were 6.45% (CI: 5.74-7.16%) and 4.5% (CI: 2.57-6.43%), respectively, with an absolute risk difference of 1.95%. Conclusion We note low infection rates in both the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups, with a small absolute difference between the two across age groups. A combination of monovalent and bivalent vaccines and natural infections likely contributed to immunity and a lower level of infection rates compared to the height of the pandemic. It is possible that a degree of 'herd immunity' has been achieved. Yet, using p<0.05 as the threshold for statistical significance, the bivalent-vaccinated group had a slightly but statistically significantly higher infection rate than the unvaccinated group in the statewide category and the age ≥50 years category. However, in the older age category (≥65 years), there was no significant difference in infection rates between the two groups. This suggests that while the bivalent vaccine might offer protection against severe outcomes, it may not significantly reduce the risk of infections entirely. Further research is needed to understand the reasons behind these findings and to consider other factors, such as underlying health conditions. This study underscores the importance of developing vaccines that target residual COVID-19 infections, especially in regard to evolving COVID-19 variants.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 是卖口罩还是卖疫苗?为啥这些卫生官员都又带上口罩了?本来还庆幸这个世界往光明转了,偏偏被人警告: 别高兴得太早。 +3
    • 这个新冠太能传染了,这里要去朋友家玩,朋友阳了。国内姐姐外甥女也阳了。传染太快了。国内人基本都二阳过了,半年一阳,血管堆积这寿命会降低的。清理人口来了? +2
    • 又开始新一波了。话说这个疫情什么时候可以到头啊。各位还是要小心,这个新冠打击免疫系统,得一次人的血槽就薄一点,所以还是去打疫苗,带好口罩。 +3
      • 打了疫苗还是要得,结果是毒上加毒,其中一毒还是自找的 +27
        • 即使得了症状也减轻很多。打了疫苗之后重症率死亡率降低90%以上。这个是相当显著得效果。不要被反科学的传言蛊惑。这次新冠能够基本结束,疫苗功不可没。 +3
          • 请不用使用2021年4月之前的数据。所有对比 vaccinated vs. vaccine-free 的感染情况,重症和死亡的数据,必须在2021年4月之后。 +6
            • 看来你知道,来吧,请列出来大家看看。一起学习一下!,记住,必须是 2021年4月以后的。最好是九成都打完了至少一针疫苗以后的数据
              • 我当然知道,看过。结论是打过疫苗的,情况比没打的要差。 +3
                • 那就贴出来,带上出处,你这可是对那些反疫苗的极大鼓舞。只是目前可能有 3/4 的人都有过感染,类似有过接种,接种人数更是超过 9 成,所以按数量应该是接种的多,按比例就不一定了,来吧,大家一起学习一下。感染/重症/死亡,接种/未接种,列出来吧。不要让反疫苗的失望
                  • 本坛就有转贴过。
                    • 那就当没有了,搜起来太累,之前很多数据都不是可验证的官方统计,要有定论反疫苗早就飞上天了,实际情况应该不是。现在接种和感染比例都很高,真的没有接种和感染的不一定容易找到,有些人自认没有感染和接种,可能也已接触和有抗体了,所以那些少数人数据量低也正常
                      • 最近的一个。英国监狱里。苗人55%得COVID,无苗人35%。越打越易得。 +1
                        • 1.前两天这里说的好像是加州监狱,不在英国,2.对应文档你最好看原文,根本没有你说的 55%/35%,那都是反疫苗自己算的。3.未接种人群中很多都已经有过感染,也类似接种,4. 接种/未接种的感染比率都很低,你说的 55/35,没有数据支持。当然,你信了,因为你没看原文
                          • of the 24% who were entirely unvaccinated, 35% of this group had been infected with COVID-19 at some point in the past. Our data indicate that 49.7% of the prison population had experienced a COVID-19 infection at some time.
                            Background In 2023, breakthrough COVID-19 infections among vaccinated individuals and reinfections in previously infected people have become common. Additionally, infections are due to Omicron subvariants of the virus that behave differently from those at the onset of the pandemic. Understanding how vaccination and natural immunity influence COVID-19 infection rates is crucial, especially in high-density congregate settings such as prisons, to inform public health strategies. Methods We analyzed COVID-19 surveillance data from January to July 2023 across 33 California state prisons, primarily a male population of 96,201 individuals. We computed the incidence rate of new COVID-19 infections among COVID-bivalent-vaccinated and entirely unvaccinated groups (those not having received either the bivalent or monovalent vaccine). Results Our results indicate that the infection rates in the bivalent-vaccinated and entirely unvaccinated groups are 3.24% (95% confidence interval (CI): 3.06-3.42%) and 2.72% (CI: 2.50-2.94%), respectively, with an absolute risk difference of only 0.52%. When the data were filtered for those aged 50 and above, the infection rates were 4.07% (CI: 3.77-4.37%) and 3.1% (CI: 2.46-3.74%), respectively, revealing a mere 0.97% absolute risk difference. Among those aged 65 and above, the infection rates were 6.45% (CI: 5.74-7.16%) and 4.5% (CI: 2.57-6.43%), respectively, with an absolute risk difference of 1.95%. Conclusion We note low infection rates in both the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups, with a small absolute difference between the two across age groups. A combination of monovalent and bivalent vaccines and natural infections likely contributed to immunity and a lower level of infection rates compared to the height of the pandemic. It is possible that a degree of 'herd immunity' has been achieved. Yet, using p<0.05 as the threshold for statistical significance, the bivalent-vaccinated group had a slightly but statistically significantly higher infection rate than the unvaccinated group in the statewide category and the age ≥50 years category. However, in the older age category (≥65 years), there was no significant difference in infection rates between the two groups. This suggests that while the bivalent vaccine might offer protection against severe outcomes, it may not significantly reduce the risk of infections entirely. Further research is needed to understand the reasons behind these findings and to consider other factors, such as underlying health conditions. This study underscores the importance of developing vaccines that target residual COVID-19 infections, especially in regard to evolving COVID-19 variants.
                            • 你给的文字里的百分比是说明做测试前的状况,有多少没接种但已感染等,你去看最后结论,实际被感染的比率都很低,就因为有过接种,或类似接种的感染,提供了保护。你们为啥不仔细看原文,总用断章取义的文字胡编
                              • 你根本看不懂,低的感染率说的是今年1到7月份,接种的感染率是3.24%,未接种的2.72%。35%和55%说的是从疫情以来总共感染的比例。 +3
                                • 不懂的明显是你。你贴出的文字里面没有可以说明你的35/55的,从你对负数理解已说明你对科学论文缺乏寻找和正确翻译能力,如想继续讨论,你最好给出具体段落附上你的翻译,否则基本没法搞懂你要说什么
                                  • 囚犯中有24%的人未接种,未接种者有35%的人感染过。而所有囚犯当中49.7%的人感染过,问:接种者中有多少比例的人感染过?答案:55%。这个数学题你不会?另外,有效率是负的,说明接种者感染率增加,你还没搞懂? +3
                                    • 你的数学真好!
                                      • 这么简单的数学,恐怕全坛只有你一个人不会吧。 +2
                                        • 请问,感染的是接种前还是接种后呢?这是文章里不写55的可能原因。你肯定认为是接种后,你用脑子好好想想,算算到底有多少是打针以后才感染的,算出这个你再来讨论,至于负数,那是你的标记,你怎么解释都改不了了
                                          • 插句话,如果感染过之后还打疫苗,也是太可怜了。
                                            • 可怜谈不上两者本就不冲突,因有接种和类似接种的感染,才有你拿出来做反例的监狱后来的感染率并不高的结果。现在接种过的之前都有可能感染过,而没接种或感染的可能没有必要保护每次病毒变种都可能被虐一次,更可怜一些,要知道全加超过75%都被感染过,你基本躲不掉的
                                        • 这么简单的数学,哈哈,你们的数学真的都很好,可惜就是没法支持你们的想法,因为你根本没考虑统计方式和条件。后面的低感染率统计,更加证明了接种或感染后获得的了保护力,你做的总是在表现你没看懂文章
                          • 谢谢纠正,是加州监狱。
                            • 你这监狱位置都能说错,说明文章没看过。那位胡编负数解释的就是没有细读,只会断章取义。你既然提出监狱还强调日期,那就说说你到底怎么算出的55/35,不会也和那位一样的数学好吧?麻烦你用脑子好好想想,算算到底有多少是打针以后才感染的,然后再来讨论吧
      • 去打针吧。打完上来给大家晒晒啊。谭变态说5岁以上不管以前打没打都要打两针麦当娜。我呢就提醒看客一句,美国CDC是查验了麦当娜公司提供的50人测试就批准了,觉得安全有效拿打就好了。 +3
    • 哪里看到的 是中国么 +1
      • 加拿大。从联邦到安省,卫生官出镜时都带口罩。
    • 不用被谁警告,我现身说法,Covid并没有消失,我和我家LD之前三年都躲过去了,上个月回一趟中国还是阳了。我另一好友夫妇和我家一样,虽然去的是中国的南北不同城市
      • 现在阳了就阳了,最多发个烧,也没怎么样,对吧?既然covid已经存在了,就不会消失了,就像流感一样 +9
        • 虽说现在Covid基本不会导致重症,但两周了我老两口都还没100%回复,尤其我LD咳得比我厉害。现在后悔在中国在人流密度大的地方没有戴口罩。
          • 很多人戴口罩照样得。 +1
            • 必须是n95
              • 一样的。 #15659333@0
      • 不提有没有打疫苗,打了几针。差评👎 +3
    • 该打疫苗还得打,该戴口罩还得戴,该防护的还得做好防护措施。特别是免疫力低下的人群。不过这次疫情持续时间是长了些,没完没了 +1
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