我的邻居在后院种了一棵 大树,树枝都伸到我家 菜地上,有5尺,协商让他们修剪,去年剪完还伸过来 3尺,今年剪完还有4尺,这怎么办好呢,明年,以后每年都得找他们,心都累了,大家处理这种事,有什么经验?谢。。。
Most Ontario bylaw have provisions stipulating that property owners can prune tree branches extend over their property line, with one exception that the tree has some special significance. Confirm with your municipal office. Out of courtesy, you may consider leaving a note to your neighbour before you take action.
Second, you do have the right to the air space above your backyard to a reasonable extent, for instance, flight path is beyond this resonable extent but you have every right to stop someone from flying a drone over your backyard, letting alone the trees.