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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 家里前院的草坪好像被政府的铲雪车在推过道的雪时给铲掉一大块。见图。请问可不可以写信给政府要求赔赏呢?谢经验之谈哦。


    • Get over.
    • 可以的,政府大概率赔一袋草籽,20刀 +1
      • 没等草长出来,鸟先给吃完了
        • 😂不会 光盘💿可解
      • 谢。那就是说,别费神了,自己买草皮铺上,认倒霉啊!
        • 没立根杆子?
    • 这块一般是政府所有的 +4
    • 自己傻点种子, 盖点土, 开始时候勤浇水, 保持土壤湿润, 草坪会自己修复的, 当然, 啥也不干, 草坪也能自己修复的, 就是时间长点而已, 值不当跟政府较劲.
    • 我的经验是直接问政府,瞎猜没什么意义!
    • I have written to Town and received an email next day that they will repair it by the end of June. Thanks for everyone's advise. +2
      • N
      • I asked them to remove a dead tree and requested a new tree three years ago. +1
        They removed the tree six month after my request. One year later they put a small flag on the spot. Two years later they put a new flag. All I have now is still a small flag, literally a real small flag.
        If I were you I would just buy a small bag of grass seed and do it yourself, if you don’t like the look of the bald spot
    • 连着几年冬天人行道铲雪将门前的bell的光缆铲断,bell也只是默默地派人来重新排。前年大雪,plow整个直接铲上了草坪和车道,反而人行道没铲。