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Australia eases draconian restrictions on prescriptions for ivermectin

Yesterday, Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (“TGA”) announced it was removing the restrictions imposed on general practitioners to prescribe ivermectin.  The bad news is they are r…

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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Australia eases draconian restrictions on prescriptions for ivermectin +2
    Yesterday, Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (“TGA”) announced it was removing the restrictions imposed on general practitioners to prescribe ivermectin.  The bad news is they are r…
    • Too late.
    • 伊维菌素没有副作用了吗?怎么开放了?因为大家都打了喵了而且没有人继续打了,控制伊维菌素的任务完成了?
      • 感觉这些发达国家的政府都是WEF控制的。在印度和墨西哥能够自由买到的药,在发达国家就是禁药。 +2
        • +1 我听说墨西哥有一段时间也限制。好像是把IVM从非处方药改为处方药了。价钱也提高了5倍
    • 好奇怪啊,为啥又可以了?因为真的需要了吗?
      • 大药厂的疫苗不顶用,新药也不顶用。 但凡有一丁点儿常识的政客,都会认为不应该禁ivermectin +1